Maryland Higher Education’s Research Gateway
Educating Maryland’s Workforce Maryland Higher Education’s Research Gateway Through cooperation and leveraged purchasing, providing a collection of online resources: article databases e-books electronic journals reference works
Educating Maryland’s Workforce Maryland Higher Education’s Research Gateway In the future, expanding access to: Digitized library collections An online catalog of the resources of all libraries Links to other public information resources
Educating Maryland’s Workforce Maryland Higher Education’s Research Gateway In FY 2000, MDL spent $600,000 to license electronic resources, at a savings to individual schools of $2.9 million.
Educating Maryland’s Workforce Reaching Students Where They Are On Campus
Educating Maryland’s Workforce Reaching Students Where They Are On Campus At Home
Educating Maryland’s Workforce Reaching Students Where They Are On Campus At Home At Work
Educating Maryland’s Workforce Providing Resources for Students Preparing for Careers in: Nursing Medicine
Educating Maryland’s Workforce Providing Resources for Students Preparing for Careers in: Science Technology
Educating Maryland’s Workforce Providing Resources for Students Preparing for Careers in: Education
Educating Maryland’s Workforce Providing Resources for Students Preparing for Careers in: Business Computer Science
Educating Maryland’s Workforce Providing equitable access across the state of Maryland Carroll Community CollegeMorgan State UniversityVilla Julie College 15 community colleges 20 independent colleges and universities 16 public colleges and universities
Educating Maryland’s Workforce Meeting the Needs of Students Today and Tomorrow In 2001 and 2002, students: Conducted over four million searches Retrieved 3.5 million full-text articles and books Over 200,000 students have access to Maryland Digital Library.
Educating Maryland’s Workforce Meeting the Needs of Students Today and Tomorrow With funding, Maryland Digital Library can provide: More content More access To more students
Educating Maryland’s Workforce Maryland Digital Library “Without Maryland Digital Library, the Capitol College Library in Laurel, Maryland could not have met the college’s mandate to provide a virtual library. … MDL is a vital component in the delivery of the focused, high quality education that is the hallmark of Capitol College.” -Rick Sample, Library Director, Capitol College