GETTING TO KNOW CREC Excellence in Education
CREC’s Mission “To work with boards of education of the Capitol Region to improve the quality of public education for all learners.”
Mission To achieve its mission, CREC will: Promote cooperation and collaboration with local school districts and other organizations committed to the improved quality of public education; Provide cost effective services to member districts and clients; Listen and respond to client needs for the improved quality of public education; and Provide leadership in the region through the quality of its services and its ability to identify and share the quality services of its member districts and other organizations committed to public education.
Core Values Trust — Built on personal integrity, and forthright and ethical communication Leadership — Born of wisdom, experience, tenacity and courage Diversity — Striving to promote social justice through our programs and our actions Quality — Through a culture of continuous improvement Collaboration - By partnering with our 35 member districts, area agencies, and by maintaining collegiality within our divisions, programs and staff.
CREC at a Glance A 501(c)(3) nonprofit educational organization Headquarters in Hartford, CT Employs 2,000+ people Operates 19 magnet schools, serving over 8,000 students from throughout the Capitol Region Offers 120+ programs for educators and paraprofessionals Annual revenue of $207.3 million in 2012
CREC’s Funding CREC is supported by local, state, federal and private funds. Local school districts become members of CREC with an annual fee of 20 cents per pupil. Each CREC program is discretely funded with a budget that completely supports its operation and contributes a proportionate share to CREC’s overall management and development.
CREC’s Revenue Sources, FY 12
CREC’s Leadership The governing Council of CREC is comprised of one representative from each of the 35 school districts in the Capitol Region. The Council meets monthly with an announced agenda that includes policy, programmatic, personnel and fiscal items. The control of the Capitol Region Education Council rests squarely at the local level.
About the Director Bruce E. Douglas, Ph.D. Executive Director since 2001, previously assistant executive director Began career teaching in Bloomfield Came to CREC from Suffield Public Schools, where he served as Superintendent Holds his Ph.D. in Educational Leadership from UConn
CREC’s Cabinet
CREC’s Leadership
CREC’s Two Hats CREC serves two main functions in our community: Act as a Regional Education Services Center (RESC), serving local school districts Operate its own district of magnet and student services schools, serving students from throughout the region
CREC as a RESC CREC was founded in 1966 as a grassroots organization of local school districts working together to solve common problems. It is one of six Regional Educational Service Centers (RESCs) established under Connecticut General Statute a-n, which permits local boards of education to establish a RESC as a “public educational authority” for the purpose of “cooperative action to furnish programs and services.”
Connecticut’s RESCs
Towns Served by CREC · Avon · Berlin · Bloomfield · Bolton · Bristol · Burlington · Canton · Cromwell · East Granby · East Hartford · East Windsor · Ellington · Enfield · Farmington · Glastonbury · Granby · Hartford · Hartland · Harwinton · Manchester · New Britain · New Hartford · Newington · Plainville · Portland · Rocky Hill · Simsbury · Somers · Southington · South Windsor · Suffield · Vernon · West Hartford · Wethersfield · Windsor · Windsor Locks
CREC as a RESC Regularly serves 35 member districts (36 towns) in Greater Hartford Reaches additional towns/districts through a number of statewide services and programs Assists more than 150,000 students each year Offers more than 120 programs
CREC as a School District CREC currently operates 19 magnet schools in the Greater Hartford area CREC Schools are tuition-free for families CREC schools are diverse in theme, but united in purpose: that all of our students can learn to their highest potential Schools feature themes such as aerospace and engineering, environmental science and technology, arts and culture, and public safety, International Baccalaureate, and Montessori. CREC also operates Student Services programs and schools for students with special needs
CREC SCHOOLS Schools of Excellence
CREC Magnet Schools CREC Magnet Schools are significantly more racially, ethnically, and economically diverse than the state at large Most CREC Magnet Schools have seen a reduction, and in certain cases an elimination, of the nation’s largest achievement gaps CREC Schools continuously outperform state averages on CMT and CAPT testing CREC Schools have achieved these results during a period of rapid growth, nearly tripling student enrollment in five years
CREC’s Magnet School Locations
CREC’s District of Magnet Schools Pre-Schools and Elementary Schools Managed By CREC Museum Academy (Pre K - 5) Discovery Academy (Pre K - 5) Glastonbury-East Hartford Elementary Magnet School (Pre K - 5) Greater Hartford Academy of the Arts Elementary Magnet (Pre K - 5) International Magnet School for Global Citizenship (Pre K - 5) Medical Professions and Teacher Preparation Academy (Pre K) Montessori Magnet School (Pre K - 6) Reggio Magnet School of the Arts (Pre K - 5) University of Hartford Magnet School (Pre K - 5) Academy of Aerospace & Engineering Elementary School (Pre K – 5) Middle Schools and High Schools Managed By CREC Academy of Aerospace & Engineering (6 - 12) Greater Hartford Academy of Mathematics & Science: Half-Day Program (9-12) Greater Hartford Academy of the Arts Magnet Middle School (6 - 8) Greater Hartford Academy of the Arts (9 - 12) Medical Professions and Teacher Preparation Academy (6 - 12) Metropolitan Learning Center for Global & International Studies (6 - 12) CREC Public Safety Academy (6 - 12) Two Rivers Magnet Middle School (6-8) Two Rivers Magnet High School (9 - 12)
CREC Service Divisions Student Services CREC’s Student Services Division provides leadership in special education and support services, research-based practice, student achievement, and value-added extensions to programs and services of local school districts Student Services staff work with local school districts to develop, adopt, and implement a collaborative approach to service delivery that involves effective use of student support services personnel, parental involvement, and community-based resources The Division of Student Services is committed to providing districts and their students and families with high-quality, cost-effective educational services
Student Services Programs Birth to Three Program Family Enrichment Services Farmington Valley Diagnostic Center Integrated Program Model The Polaris Center River Street School Autism Outreach River Street Autism Program Soundbridge Health Services
CREC Service Divisions CREC’s service divisions offer over 100 programs and services for educators and paraprofessionals including: Ongoing professional development workshops for educators School construction, operations, and facilities services Cooperative purchasing and business services Preschool and care programs for infants and their families Innovative partnership programs that help adults develop real, job-ready skills now Instructional technology, data analysis & research support, and technological infrastructure
Programs and Services CREC’s programs and services document is released annually and is available online and in print. It provides a summary of the many opportunities for professional development, consultation, and in-district support provided by CREC.
CREC Service Divisions Construction Services CREC Construction Services is a premiere Owner’s Project Management and Owner’s Representative organization The Construction Division specializes in exceeding customer expectations, ready to help with any building project Currently tasked with overseeing construction of seven new locations for CREC’s growing district of magnet schools CREC Construction Services advisors help clients make well- informed decisions, assuring their best interests are protected and guaranteed
CREC Service Divisions Data Analysis, Research, and Technology The Division of Data Analysis, Research, and Technology (DART) provides support and services in the areas of research, data analysis, and technology. DART technology specialists provide districts across Connecticut with resources such as professional development, curriculum revision, and infrastructure planning The Office of Data, Research, and Evaluation within DART is specifically tasked with providing support in the collection, analysis, and use of high-quality data for educational policy and program decision making
CREC Service Divisions Community Education The Division of Community Education’s goal is to impact communities through outreach, training, and support for families and staff that result in learning success, more effective parenting, career development, and job acquisition Community Education provides community and professional development programs in the areas of adult basic education, adult literacy, family development, transition to employment services, and much more
CREC Service Divisions Technical Assistance and Brokering Services TABS provides customers with quality staff, products, programs, and services that help improve education opportunities for all learners TABS can assist with relevant professional learning opportunities, staffing solutions, professional learning communities, executive services, grants and development services, and high quality professional and online learning opportunities TABS provides a timely and vital link to the resources needed by our clients using a “one stop shopping” model to deliver customized services
CREC Service Divisions Hartford Region Open Choice Program The Hartford Region Open Choice Program (formerly Project Concern) is a part of a statewide school choice program that offers Hartford students the opportunity to attend public schools in suburban towns, and suburban students the opportunity to attend public schools in Hartford at no cost to families Open Choice’s purpose is to improve academic achievement; reduce racial, ethnic and economic isolation; and provide a choice of educational programs for children Admission into the program is conducted through the Regional School Choice Office (RSCO) at the State Department of Education. CREC is one of four RESCs in the state that is legislatively mandated to manage an Open Choice program
CREC Service Divisions Institute of Teaching and Learning The Institute of Teaching and Learning provides high quality professional learning opportunities and resources to support school districts in preparing their students for success in the 21st century The Institute’s work is grounded in research of best practices related to instruction, assessment and school turnaround Institute staff work closely with our partners, including the Connecticut Department of Education, to ensure services are closely aligned with state, regional and national best practices Education Specialists provide highly personalized embedded professional development to districts throughout the CREC region and beyond
CREC Service Divisions Transportation Services CREC Transportation Division coordinates transportation for the Greater Hartford Choice Programs CREC manages over 600 bus routes to more than 185 schools. The management team at CREC Transportation has over 108 years of experience combined, is proficient using the three major routing software programs, and has a state certified school bus safety instructor on staff
CREC Service Divisions Operations, Facilities, and Security The Division of Operations and Facilities offers a wide range of services that help school districts maintain efficient and cost- effective operations Food Services staff plan, coordinate, and operate efficient food service programs. They also have a broad understating of the National School Meals program regulatory requirements and educational environments in Connecticut Facilities Management staff operate CREC’s schools and offices, provide consulting services for contracted facilities management and facilities assessments/capital replacement plans, and offer Cooperative Purchasing programs designed to save time and money by leveraging the buying power of thousands of organizations
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