Lobby Day 2014 A Webinar
Questions: Matt Newell-Ching Deputy Director of Organizing Western Region
Questions: As God’s hands and feet of the world, we work toward a beloved community in which every person has an equal opportunity to thrive.
Questions: Those who profess to favor freedom and yet depreciate agitation, are people who want crops without ploughing the ground; they want rain without thunder and lightning; they want the ocean without the roar of its many waters. The struggle may be a moral one, or it may be a physical one, or it may be both. But it must be a struggle. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and it never will. -Frederick Douglass
Questions: Lobby Day Overview Our Asks U.S. Food Aid Reform Comprehensive Immigration Reform Tips for a successful visit Additional Tips/Resources Today’s Agenda
Questions: 7:30 am – Registration and Breakfast 8:30 am – Lobby Day Briefing 10:45 am – Regional Caucusing Lunch, Buses to Capitol Hill Lobby Day Schedule
Buses to Capitol Hill
Walk to Senate Buildings (.5 mi)
Questions: 7:30 am – Registration and Breakfast 8:30 am – Lobby Day Briefing 10:45 am – Regional Caucusing Lunch, Buses to Capitol Hill 1-5 pm – House and Senate Visits 5-8 pm – Closing reception, worship, and sharing Lobby Day Schedule
Questions: Ryan Quinn Senior Analyst
Questions: Smart, simple reforms can make U.S. food-aid policies more effective in helping hungry and malnourished families. Food Aid Reform
Questions: Cargo preference restrictions increase the percentage of food that must be transported abroad on American ships, resulting in up to 2 million fewer people in need of lifesaving emergency food aid being reached. Food Aid Reform
Questions: More flexibility for interventions such as local and regional purchase of food, food vouchers or cash transfers can feed more people, save money and allow for faster & more effective response. Food Aid Reform
Questions: BREAKING: New Senate bill Our ask: Senators: Co-sponsor the Food For Peace Act of 2014 Food Aid Reform
Questions: Questions for Ryan?
Questions: Amelia Kegan Deputy Director of Government Relations
Questions: About 1/3 of undocumented immigrants live in poverty In some undocumented immigrant communities, more than half of the population live with food insecurity 94% of unauthorized immigrant men are in the labor force, 9 percentage points higher than U.S.-born men Legalization and citizenship could increase immigrants’ earnings by 13% or higher Immigration Reform is a Hunger Issue
Questions: S. 744/H.R.15: Path to citizenship after 13 years and $2,000 fine Expedited path for DREAMers and agricultural workers H.R. 2278: SAFE Act Very harsh border security bill H.R. 1773: Agricultural Guestworker Act; H.R. 2131: Skills Visas Act; H.R. 1772: Legal Workforce Act Low-skilled workers, DREAMers, legalization bills not yet introduced in the House The Legislative Situation
Questions: Poverty and lack of economic opportunities are key factors in the decision to migrate We need development strategies that provide employment opportunities and sustainable livelihoods for their citizens Immigration reform should include a re- examination of the ways in which U.S. trade and development assistance policies can better contribute to sustainable development in migrant sending countries Immigration Reform & International Development Policies
Questions: The Legislative Countdown Deadline: July 31
Questions: Questions for Amelia, Beth Ann, and Andrew?
Questions: Eric Mitchell Director of Government Relations
Questions: Be on time and patient. Be Clear, Be Brief, Be Gone. Tell Them a Story. NOT EXPECTED TO BE AN EXPERT!!! Lobby Day Tips
Questions: Decide on the main points you want to make. Look for opportunities to say THANK YOU. Aim for a balanced conversation. Lobby Day Tips
Questions: Questions for Eric?
See You Next Tuesday!