NADCP 19th Annual Training Conference Attendee Orientation Webinar Presented by Carson Fox, Chief Operating Officer
Overview Registration Materials Special Events Official Conference Program Program Content/Conference Agenda Don’t Forget! Welcome and content on the webinar functions and resources
We’re Headed To Washington!
Registration Where? Convention Center Pre-Function When? Saturday, July 13, 2:00 to 7:00 pm Sunday, July 14, 7:00 am to 5:30 pm Monday, July 15, 7:00 am to 5:30 pm Tuesday, July 16, 7:00 am to 5:30 pm Wednesday, July 17, 7:00 am to 11:00 am What? If Pre-Paid Name badge and Materials at Pre-Paid Counter If Paying Onsite Go to Onsite Payment Counter
Registration What else can I find in the Registration Area? NDCI NCDC Cyber Café CLE/CEU All Rise! Ride Across America! The Refuge, A Healing Place BJA TTA Providers NADCP/All Rise Gear Stanley Goldstein Hall of Fame Capitol Hill Day Information
Materials Program Adult Drug Court Best Practice Standards Certificate of Attendance Hundreds of free publications available at the NDCI and NCDC tables in registration Speaker Biographies Online Handouts NADCP has “gone green” Limited availability in sessions Speakers will continue to update post-conference
Special Events Saturday, July 13 Bus transportation to Union Station 3:00 pm to 10:00 pm Woodrow Wilson Bus Loop Registration Opens 2:00 pm Convention Center Pre-Function
Special Events Sunday, July 14 Drug Court Expo Opening Reception 5:30 to 7:30 pm Prince George’s Exhibit Hall E, Ground Floor
Special Events Monday, July 15 Opening Ceremony 8:00 to 10:00 am Potomac Ballroom Drug Court Expo Raffle and Dessert Reception 6:30 to 8:00 pm Prince George’s Exhibit Hall E, Ground Floor NADCP Membership Meeting 6:30 to 6:45 pm Chesapeake 4-6
Special Events Tuesday, July16 Capitol Hill Day Kick-Off 8:00 to 9:00 am Potomac Ballroom SAMHSA Grantee Meeting 8:30 am to 5:00 pm Maryland Ballroom
Special Events Wednesday, July 17 Breakfast for first-time conference attendees and new NADCP members Potomac 1-4 7:00 to 7:45 am General Session “Adult Drug Court Best Practice Standards” 9:30 to 10:45 am Potomac Ballroom Closing Ceremony 11:00 am to 1:00 pm
Conference Program Link to the program. Show links to session handouts. At a glance, etc
Official Conference Program Agenda and Program Content Types of Sessions Add content on things to do in Nashville and near the Gaylord (see agenda)
Agenda and Program Content Easy Reference Tabs for Each Day Conference At-A-Glance, pp. 17-25 Full Session Table, pp. 163-168 Program Content Track Descriptions, pp. 26-30 Session Title, Descriptions, Objectives, Speakers, Location TRACK DESCRIPTIONS PAGE 28. “READY, SET, GO! IMPLEMENTATION OF YOUR DRUG COURT” Page 162, Session Table, Track 1, Session 1, “Defining Drug Courts: The Key Components” session A-1 on Thursday from 10:30 to 11:45 am Page 58, More information on the session—Description, Learning Objectives, Speakers You can find this information for each session and use the session Table to Plan your conference experience. As an attendee, I typically choose at least two or three of my top choices in each time slot. That way, if my first choice is standing room only, I have another session to attend.
Skills Building Sunday, July 14 9:00 am to 12:00 pm and 2:00 to 5:00 pm 35 Total Skills Building Sessions In-Depth Let’s go back to the session tables in the back of the program—page 161. S-B 29, Ethical Issues for Judges and Attorneys, in Bayou A Let’s get some more information about this session (page 54) Again, the title, description, objectives, and speakers. Now, as an attendee, how do I find Bayou A? Well, first and foremost, throughout the convention center, NADCP staff and Opryland Staff will be available to assist you. But don’t forget that your conference program a fantastic resource. Simply turn to the Tab in the program for “Exhibitors and Maps” and see on p. 147 that the Bayou Rooms are just upstairs from the registration area. But keep in mind that the Opryland Resort is an enormous property, so make yourself at home and explore.
Track Sessions 24 Tracks Up to 5 sessions each Monday, July 15 75 minutes Targeted to a Particular Discipline or Topic Area 118 Total Track Sessions
Concurrent General Sessions “Blockbuster” Topics Relevance Across the Drug Court Field Tuesday, July 16 Many repeated
Discipline-Specific Sessions Sunday, July 14, 7:30 to 8:45 am Tuesday, July 16, 4:45 to 6:00 pm Wednesday, July 17, 8:00 to 9:15 am An expert in your field will orient you to the program and identify specific sessions of interest Triage Burning Issues
Capitol Hill Day! Your opportunity to meet with Congress Let them know the great work you do Ensure Drug Courts receive the highest level of federal funding What do I need to do? Reach out to your Member of Congress Schedule a meeting for July 16 Visit and click on “Capitol Hill Day Headquarters” You will find everything you need to schedule a meeting with your Member of Congress Map of Capitol Hill, NADCP Congressional Brief, and More! July 16 8:00 am Potomac Ballroom Buses depart afterward for Capitol Hill and run all day
Special Guests Matthew Perry Kristen Johnston Alonzo Bodden Tommy Davidson Daniel Powter
Mindfulness Meditation The Refuge, A Healing Place Mindfulness meditation sessions offered daily Conference program p. 16 “Come to your Senses”
SAMHSA/CSAT Grantee Meeting Tuesday, July 16, 8:30 am If you are a Grantee, you will receive all of the information you need from SAMHSA/CSAT
Continuing Education Make sure NADCP has your email address!! Your email will be the unique identifier to ensure you receive credit All attendees that provided an email address will receive a link to access our online survey and print out your CEU/CJE/CLE certificate
Evaluations Please complete evaluations of each session/speaker online – you have until July 27 to complete Once you’ve evaluated all the sessions you’ve attended, you will have access to the Overall Conference evaluation Upon completing the Overall Conference evaluation, you will be able to print your certificates
NADCP Website Check with for further updates Additional Handouts More Information on CEUs/CLEs Addendum Special Guests Webinar recorded and posted online
Meet us back in DC for 2013!
Meet us back in DC for 2013!