History Radio Play Ronald Wilson Reagan 3D Lee Hoi Kei, Katie (16) Liu Sin Ying, Tracy (19) Lo Ching In, Polly (20) Lo Wai Ming, Maggie (21) Lok Chi Hang, Amy (22) Ng Tsz Yun, Daisy (26)
Name : Ronald Wilson Reagan Nickname : The Great Communicator Born : February 6, 1911 Tampico. Illinois, U.S. Died : June 5, 2004(aged 93) Nationality : America Occupations : 1. 40th president of the United States 2. 33rd Governor of California ( ) 3. Sports broadcaster 4. Actor Personal information
1911 : Ronald Wilson Reagan was born (Tampico, IL) 1926: Ronald got a summer job (Lifeguard) Time Line 1932 : Ronald’ s TV career began 1937: Enlisting to Army Reserves 1940 : Reagan’s first film is made
Ronald Reagan as a lifeguard in Lowell Park, Illinois in 1927.
1942 : Back to the Army (Army Air Force) (During WWII) 1945 : Back to acting (20 years, over 50 films) 1950 : Being campaigning for political friends (Presidents Truman & Nixon) 1962 : Became a republican
On April 3, 1952, newlyweds Ronald Reagan and Nancy Reagan cutting their wedding cake at the Holden's house in Toluca Lake, California.
Ronald Reagan reading to Patti and Ron at Christmas at the Reagan's home in Pacific Palisades, California in 1964.
1966 : Governor of California 1980 : 40th US president 1981 March 30 : An assassination attempt 1981 : Appointing the first female Supreme Court Justice
Ronald Reagan being sworn in as Governor of California by Associate Justice Marshall McComb in the State Capitol, Sacramento, California on February 1, 1967.
President Reagan being sworn in on Inaugural Day, U.S. Capitol on January 20,1981.
On March 30, 1981, President Ronald Reagan was shot and gravely wounded as he was leaving the Washington Hilton Hotel after addressing a labor convention.
Official portrait of President Ronald Reagan and Vice President Bush on July 16, 1981.
President Ronald Reagan announces the "Star Wars" concept to the world from the Oval Office on March 23, 1983
1984 : Reagan was reelected 1986 : Ordering airstrikes 1989 : Retired for politics 2004 June 5: Ronald Reagan Died (age of 93)
President Ronald Reagan greeting British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher for a Bilateral meeting at Schloss Gymnich in Bonn, Federal Republic of Germany on May 2, 1985.
On November 19, 1985, President Ronald Reagan and Soviet General Secretary Gorbachev first time met face to Face during the Geneva Summit at Maison de Saussure.
President Ronald Reagan giving a speech at the Berlin Wall, Brandenburg Gate, Federal Republic of Germany on June 12, 1987.
President Ronald Reagan's last day saluting as he boards the helicopter at the US Capitol on January 20, 1989.
Reflection We all agree that Ronald Reagan was called as “The Great Communicator”. He communicated with other countries' presidents, such as Margaret Thatcher and Gorbachev. They said they admired and praised him during the interviews. Even Margaret Thatcher regarded him as a friend. Also, he and Margaret Thatcher ended the Cold War together without any bleeding. People in the world can escape from this war. This makes many people praised him.
As a president, he was a superb one. He thought for the citizens, what did they need and want. In economic aspect, the Reaganomics was being well-planned. It is not only suitable at that time and also fit well until now. Although we are not born in that time, we admire him after we searched the information about him. Many people did not optimistic about him when first know that he wanted to run for the president because they think that he is an actor and lack of practical experience.
However, more people supported him after different events. People thought that he was calm all the time, especially when he was shot by mental patients. It made his popularity rating rose. Therefore, these are the reason that why he is one of the popular presidents in U.S. We also argue that he is one of the best presidents in U.S. in history.
(Satirize USSA) (Tear down this wall) (BBC Storyville: Ronald Reagan Documentary) (Review of Ronald’s speech of Foreign Policy) (The speech of “why we fright?”) (Reagan’s jokes) (The Attempted Assassination of Ronald Reagan) (Margaret Thatcher’s eulogy of President Ronald Reagan) Video Links
(Whitehouse) (Ronald Reagan’s Presidential History) (Ronald Reagan’s Quotes) (Ronald Reagan’s presidential foundation & library) (Political positions of Ronald Reagan from Wikipedia) (Reference information from new world encyclopedia) ndex.htmlhttp://topics.nytimes.com/top/reference/timestopics/people/r/ronald_wilson_reagan/i ndex.html (News of Ronald Reagan) Reference Websites