GRUDGE BALL Review Rules: 1. Each team starts with 10 X’s on the board. 2. If your team gets the answer right, you can erase 1 X’s from the board. (you can’t erase your own X’s). 3. The goal is to knock out the other teams. 4. If your team is knocked out, you can earn back 2 X’s by getting the question right.
Which of the following was a major cause of the Civil War? a. Foreign Invasion b. Immigration c. Taxes d. Slavery
This compromise was made prior to the war and attempted to ease tensions over westward expansion. A. California Compromise B. New York Compromise C. Missouri Compromise D. Kansas-Nebraska Compromise
What were the two major issues the north and south differed on? A. Economy and Culture B. Food Production and Culture C. Food Production and Language D. Language and Education
What was one way people prepared for the war? A. Protested the War B. Collected old weapons C. Bottled water D. Collected Old Tires
1859, who attacked Harper’s Ferry? A. Robert E. Lee B. John Brown C. William Lloyd Garrison D. Frederick Douglass
Which was the Confederacy's capitol? A. Raleigh, NC B. Charleston, SC C. Nashvill, TN D. Richmond, VA
When did the Emancipation Proclamation go into effect? A. September 1862 B. December 1862 C. January 1863 D. April 1865
The Emancipation Proclamation A. Freed all of the slaves in the Union (excluding border states) B. Freed all of the black soldiers C. Freed all of the slaves D. Freed all slave in Confederate States
Why did Lincoln issue the proclamation after Antietam A. Antietam was the first battle in a border state B. Antietam was the bloodiest battle of the war C. He wanted to raise the soldier’s morale D. Lincoln wanted to issue it after a Union Victory
Before the Battle of Gettysburg.. A. The Union Army was shoeless and hungry B. Had lost several important battles C. Had won all of the previous battles D. Lost 90% of their men
How did Gettysburg help the Union? A. There was more food B. Union soldiers could go home C. Union hopes were lifted D. It ended the war
How did Vicksburg help the Union? A. The fishing was better B. The Union controlled the Mississippi River C. It cut the Confederacy in half D. Both B and C
Why did Lincoln give the Gettysburg Address? A. The dedication of a national cemetery B. The end of the Battle C. The end of the War D. The end of slavery
What did Lincoln ask of the country in the address? A. To protect Washington DC B. To honor the dead by continuing to fight to preserve the Union C. To bury all of the dead D. To build a memorial at every battlefield
During the War soldiers mainly A. Drilled and March B. Fought in Battles C. Worked on Farms D. Nursed the wounded
Which was NOT a hardship faced by Civil War soldiers? A. Disease and Injury B. Dehydration and Starvation C. Imprisonment D. Submarine Accidents
Which of the following events is in correct order? A. Lincoln is assassinated, Lee surrenders, Sherman burns Atlanta, Gettysburg B. Gettysburg, Sherman’s March, Lee Surrenders, Lincoln is assassinated C. Gettysburg, Lee surrenders, Sherman’s March, Lincoln is assassinated. D. Gettysburg, Lincoln is assassinated, Sherman’s March, Lee Surrenders
Lee’s surrender at Appomattox did which of the following? A. Ended all Fighting B. Disbanded the Army of Northern Virginia C. Imprisoned thousands of Confederate Soldiers D. Forced all Confederate soldiers to give up their land.
Which amendment to Constitution was added after the War? A. The 2 nd B. The 13 th C. The 8 th D. The 26th
Why did Booth assassinate Lincoln? A. Booth believed Lincoln wanted to destroy the South B. Their families were fueding C. Booth believed Lincoln wanted to kill him D. Booth believed England would support the North