Washington Washington-L’état de Washington- le drapeau des Etat Unis –La maison blanche – le capitol. Luana-Dea 4°E
Washington Washington is often called Washington DC to avoid the confusion with the State of Washington, is the federal capital of the États-Unis. La city of Washington is situated in the northeast of the country, on the left bank of Potomac in its confluence with the river. She(it) is between the States of Virginia and the Maryland. Its territory of origin in 1791, was like a square of 16,2 km side, positioned above the river Potomac. The part of Potomac which crosses Washington is completely included in the District of Columbia and also cuts in two the border between Virginia and Maryland.
Washington State: The State of Washington is situated extremely northwest of the United States. It is bordered in the North by the Canadian province of British Columbia, in the East by Idaho, in the South by Oregon and on the West by the Pacific Ocean.
Le drapeau Américain The flag of the United States is called :“The Star-Spangled Banner”, it is also the title of the national anthem of the United States. It is the national flag of the United States. It consists of thirteen red and white horizontal stripes, arranged alternately and an upper rectangle of blue color with fifty small white stars in five points on nine horizontal rows.
The White House: The White House is the official residence and the office of the president of the United States It is situated in 1600, Pennsylvania avenue NW in Washington. It has been the place of residence, work and reception of all the American presidents since John Adam, the second president of the United States, who entered it in1800.
The Capitol The Capitol of the United States is the building which houses the Congress, the legislative power of the United States. It is situated in the federal capital, Washington DC.
Washington monument The Washington Monument is an obelisk of more than 169 meters in height, made in honor of George Washington and situated in Washington, capital of the United States. It is made in marble, stoneware and granite.