The rules, or laws, of a country and the people who run the nation is _____. 1.government 2.Federal 3.amendment 4.capitol 10
An official member of a country is called a ___________. 1.represent 2.citizen 3.Executive Branch 4.federal 10
__________ is a form of government in which every citizen has a right to take part in. 1.Constitution 2.Bill of Rights 3.democracy 4.amendment 10
This part of government makes the laws. 1.Executive Branch 2.Legislative Branch 3.Judicial Branch 4.Supreme Court 10
What is the building where the U.S. congress meets? 1.federal 2.White House 3.Capitol 4.Supreme Court 10
Which branch is in charge of carrying out laws? 1.Legislative Branch 2.Executive Branch 3.Judicial Branch 4.Supreme Court 10
The building where the President lives and works is _______________. 1.Capitol 2.White House 3.Constitution 4.republic 10
What branch makes sure the laws follow the Constitution? 1.Executive Branch 2.Legislative Branch 3.Judicial Branch 4.Supreme Court 10
What is the document that sets forth a plan for the U.S. government? 1.Bill of Rights 2.The Pledge of Allegiance 3.Constitution 4.amendment 10
A system of government in which the national and state government shares powers is _______________. 1.republic 2.democracy 3.federal 4.Bill of Rights 10