World Geography Flash Cards North America Standards of Learning WG.4 S. Reddecliff
What is NAFTA?
North American Free Trade Agreement An economic pact between the U.S., Canada and Mexico
How many official languages does Canada have?
2 – French & English
What is the main river system of the U.S.?
The Mississippi River
What is the frozen land which surrounds Hudson Bay?
The Canadian Shield
What is the longest unfortified border in the world?
The U.S./Canadian border There is no military presence along this border
What island chain is located in Alaska?
The Aleutian Islands
Where is the center of the world’s financial markets?
New York City
What type of government does the U.S. & Canada have?
Does North America have just 1 type of climate zone?
No There is tundra in Alaska, Humid Continental to tropical/wet in Hawaii
What mountain range creates a rain shadows on the it leeward slopes?
The Rocky Mountain Range
Name the line that divides Pacific watershed from the Atlantic watershed
The Continental Divide (The Line in Red)
What U.S. river has the most dams?
The Columbia River
What mountain range runs through western Virginia?
The Appalachian Mountains
What state is located in the Pacific Ocean?
Hawaii (The Hawaiian Archipelago)
Where is the fall line site?
Richmond, Virginia The fall line is where the river narrows and boats can no longer pass through
What continent of people colonized North America?
The Europeans The English, French, Spanish
What type of alliance is NATO?
Military North Atlantic Treaty Organization
What type of infrastructure is present in North America?
Highly Developed Infrastructure Good roads, schools, hospitals, water lines, power line, etc.
Are there diverse economies in North America?
Yes There are many different types of industry in North America
Name 4 types of goods that are exported from North America
Major Exports: Technology Consumer Goods Information Systems Foodstuffs
What mountain range runs through the western U.S. and Canada?
The Rocky Mountains
Are literacy rates high or low in North America?
High 97% of people can read
What is Canada struggling to hang on to?
National Identity Most U.S. citizens know very little about Canada
What country in the world experiences the most tornados?
The United States (Tornado Alley)
Does North America have rich supplies of minerals, energy and forest resources?
Name the Gulf
Gulf of Mexico
Name these bodies of water
The Great Lakes
Name the ocean
Arctic Ocean
Name the ocean
The Pacific Ocean
Where would you see something like this?
The United States Wheat Fields are very common
Name the ocean
Atlantic Ocean
Name the large bay located in Canada?
Hudson Bay
What river creates the border between the U.S. and Mexico?
The Rio Grande
What river connects the Great Lakes to the Atlantic Ocean?
The St. Lawrence River
What was the first national park in the United States?
The Grand Canyon
What river carved the Grand Canyon?
The Colorado River
What is this?
U.S. Capitol Building Washington, D.C.
What is this?
Golden Gate Bridge San Francisco, California
What is this?
Independence Hall Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
What is this?
St. Louis Gateway Arch St. Louis, Missouri
What is this?
Virginia State Capitol Building Richmond, Virginia
What is this?
Washington Monument Washington, D.C.
What is this?
The White House Washington, D.C.
What is this?
The Lincoln Memorial Washington, D.C.
What is this?
The Statue of Liberty New York City, New York
What is the name of the area shaded in blue?
The Canadian Shield
What is the name of the area shaded in green?
The Great Plains
What is the name of the area shaded in brown?
The Rocky Mountains
Mapping Game Links: Play “Landscape” Beginner Game Play “Rivers” Game Play “Oceans” Game You do not need to know all the states