How to Make the Web Come to YOU with Google Reader Eileen Boswell, Information Specialist October 2009
What is Google Reader? Google Reader is a free online service that lets you read new posts from many blogs all in one convenient place. Google Reader allows you to quickly scan through updates from your favorite blogs and tag or file updates that you may need later. Google Reader also makes it easy for you to share interesting blog posts with others.
What is a blog? The word blog is short for web-log. “Blog” can mean a website in which content is updated like a diary or journal. It can also mean the technology that enables content to be posted on a website chronologically. Some blogs are personal, but increasingly many blogs are used professionally for any topic from public policy to medicine to technology.
Why not just read blogs one-by-one? Blogs are updated on different schedules depending on their content and who writes them. It can be hard to keep up with all your favorite blogs. If you read a number of blogs, without the benefit of a service like Google Reader, you have to remember to go to each blog and check for new updates.
How do I get started? Step 1: Go to the Google Reader Home Page at Step 2: Create an account and verify your address. Step 3: Add subscriptions to blogs you like. Step 4: Login as often as you want to see all the updates from your favorite blogs in one place. Step 5: Manage your subscriptions as necessary.
Image description: Google Reader homepage, showing blank fields for you to fill in your address and password or to register for a new account by clicking the blue button marked “Create account,” shown here with an arrow. Step 1: Google Reader Home Page
Image description: Google Reader “Create an Account” page showing blank fields for you to fill in your address, circled, and desired password, indicated with an arrow. Step 2: Create an Account (1 of 2) Your address Choose password
Image description: Image description: a sample Google Verification message with a hotlink you must click, indicated by a circle and arrow, to verify your address before using Google Reader Verify your Address (2 of 2) Click to verify
Image description: The main page of a Google Reader account showing that, “Your reading list is empty,” with the “Add a subscription” button circled. The next image shows a close-up of the “Add a subscription” button, with the web address of NRC’s Capitol Clips blog filled in. The address, com/ is indicated with an arrow. Step 3: Add Subscriptions
Image descriptions: (1) the opening screen of one Google Reader account, showing “All items (15)” in bold and circled; (2) one item selected and another visible but ghosted; the active or “selected” item is on top and bbrdered in dark blue; (3) one item showing with the “next item” button circled. Step 4: Read Your Updates
[Image description: Item on Section 5307 funding is displayed and the tag field is shown with “5307” typed in the field, indicated by a circle and arrow.] Optional Tagging Add a Tag
[Image descriptions: “Manage Subscriptions” link in main reader display window; subscription management page with a trash can icon indicating how to delete a particular description, circled and indicated with an arrow.] Step 5: Manage Subscriptions Rename a feed/blog. Trash can icon for “Delete subscription.”. Add an item to a folder if you want to save it..
Links to More Information about Google Reader Uu_X3Yhttp:// Uu_X3Y glishhttp:// glish r/tour.htmlhttp:// r/tour.html
Contact Information Eileen Boswell, Information Specialist Community Transportation Association of America (ext. 707 or option 0) or