Post Consumption Water Use The Hidden Waste Presented at: Great Lakes Craft Brewers & Water Conservation Conference October 26, 2009 Thomas E. Pape Alliance for Water Efficiency Copyright 2009 – Thomas Pape
Sustainability Environmental impacts of the total life cycle of products Product disposal often has the most severe long-term impact on the environment “Green” consciousness accepts responsibility for the entire lifecycle impacts Copyright 2009 – Thomas Pape
“You can never buy beer, you just rent it” Water In the Beer Cycle “You can never buy beer, you just rent it” – Archie Bunker Copyright 2009 – Thomas Pape
Water Efficiency in Brewing Measured in pints of water used to produce pints of beer. Best water saving brewery strategies achieve water use ratios of less than 4 pints of water to produce 1 pint of beer. 4:1 Theoretical perfection of 1:1 (not feasible) Additional brewing efficiencies likely allows for less than 2 pints additional potential savings for each pint of beer produced. Copyright 2009 – Thomas Pape
The Hidden Water Waste Current disposal practices use an average of more than 19 pints of water for every 1 pint of beer – 19:1 efficiency ratio Worst case scenarios use 40 pints of water to dispose of 1 pint of beer – 40:1 More than 10 gallons of water savings are easily available in disposing of every 1 gallon of beer served. Copyright 2009 – Thomas Pape
Water Efficiency in Beer Disposal The water saving potential is more than 20 times greater in disposal cycle compared to brewing cycle Copyright 2009 – Thomas Pape
The Technology High Efficiency Urinals (HEU) One pint per flush urinal provide 1:1 efficiency Beware: Sensor flush valves INCREASE water use! Copyright 2009 – Thomas Pape
The Technology High Efficiency Toilet (HET) 1.28 GPF = 10:1 efficiency Available in gravity flush, flush-o-meter valve, and pressure-assist technology Beware: Sensor flush valves INCREASE water use! Copyright 2009 – Thomas Pape
The Technology Dual-Flush Toilet 0.9 Gallon/flush for liquid waste 1.6 GPF for solid waste 7.2:1 Efficiency If used properly Copyright 2009 – Thomas Pape
The Technology Non-water urinals 0:1 Efficiency Vandal resistance Performance varies by make & model Copyright 2009 – Thomas Pape
Future Technology? Pee-and-go She-inal Urine diverting toilets Copyright 2009 – Thomas Pape
Green Codes Coming Soon Applicable Green Code Provisions Require high efficiency urinals and toilets Require 1 FU upstream of of non-water urinals Requires sub-metering (major uses & spaces) Cooling Tower efficiency standards Require low-flow wash basin faucets PRSVs, connectionless steamers in kitchens Rain water harvesting Allows alternative water sources: stormwater, condensate, graywater, reuse, recycle, etc. What are your code change needs?
The Economics Estimated urinal usage: Estimated women toilet usage Beerjoint = 200flushes/day = 72,000/yr Brewpub = 100flushes/day = 36,000/yr Bar & grill = 75flushes/day = 27,000/yr Grill & bar = 50flushes/day = 18,000/yr Estimated women toilet usage Beerjoint = 100flushes/day = 36,000/yr Brewpub = 75flushes/day = 27,000/yr Bar & grill = 50flushes/day = 18,000/yr Copyright 2009 – Thomas Pape
Urinal Economics Water savings of 100flush/day/fixture Replacing a 1 GPF urinal with 1 pint urinal saves 31,500 gallons per year $300 investment saves 630,000 gallons over fixture lifespan $0.000476 cost per gallon saved Water demand = water supply Copyright 2009 – Thomas Pape
Toilet Economics Water savings of 75flush/day/fixture Replacing a 3.5 GPF toilet with dual flush toilet saves 70,200 gallons per year $300 investment saves 1,404,000 gallons over fixture lifespan $0.000213 cost per gallon saved Water demand = water supply Copyright 2009 – Thomas Pape
Implementation Retrofit Own Brewpubs Gather Stakeholders Brewers, Water Suppliers, Wastewater Service Providers, Retailers, etc/ Share Costs Based on Benefits Provide Incentives for Retrofits Rebates, Vouchers, Direct Installations Exchange water savings for water rights Join the Alliance for Water Efficiency Copyright 2009 – Thomas Pape
Alliance for Water Efficiency Thomas Pape Technical Advisor Copyright 2009 – Thomas Pape