Regulations vs Guidelines Very clear limited rules Allow exception and appeals Staff review User friendly Less Flexible Universal One size fits all Broad Discretion Individual Open to Interpretation Planning Board or Design Review Committee Uses Pictures for Examples Critique tailored to project specifics Greater potential for abuse
Implementation Guidelines should be as objective as possible with clearly stated goals and standards for each requirement Guidelines should be complementary and be incorporated into the zoning bylaw – overlay Staff must oversee the design review process and either present to one of the existing Boards or a Design Review Committee
Objective is to encourage High Quality Building Design and in the downtown area Prioritize the pedestrian environment.
DESIGN ELEMENTS Samples below but not exclusive Building and street orientation Parking Lighting and signage Building façade Historic preservation Contextual design And open space development
FINDING BALANCE Local character is often diverse and quirky Recognizable Defined sense of place
Control at Different Scales Street Type Block type Building massing in the area Architectural types in the area Details of architecture in the area
Building Materials
Green Element
Site Design Guidelines Site Planning/Building Siting Design Guidelines Units/lots should be clustered Integrate Parks & open spaces Place buildings to create a street presence & enhance character Technical Guidelines Project phases shall function independently Edge and Boundary Treatment Design Guidelines Treat major intersections & corners as project entryways Entryway features should reflect architectural identity of development Provide pedestrian, bicycle & vehicle linkages to adjacent projects Cluster buildings Provide fencing as appropriate between adjacent land uses
Topography and Grading Design Guidelines Integrate natural topography Retaining walls should reflect architectural identity & be innovative Finished slopes should taper or terrace to match the existing grades Screen undesirable views with grade changes and berming Technical Guidelines Retaining walls should not exceed six feet in height Grading plans should protect native trees Green Site Design Design Guidelines Surface water and pollutant runoff should be reduced Technical Guidelines Route roof drains through turf
Access, Circulation, and Parking Design Guidelines Adequate vehicular access to the site, internal circulation, and parking should be provided Provide pedestrian & bicycle connections Architecturally compatible paving materials Provide emergency access Technical Guidelines Street and drive aisle widths, throat depths, and stacking distances, and parking shall comply with current City standards Multi-family projects may be required to provide bikeways F.Service and Storage Design Guidelines Plan for services and storage Technical Guidelines Trash enclosures shall comply with current City standards
Architectural Guidelines Architectural Design Concept Design Guidelines Overall character should be defined with consistent design concept Consider architectural design concepts of neighboring projects Form and Massing Design Guidelines Use variation of wall planes, rooflines, and building form to create visually engaging designs Proportional relationship between adjacent buildings and between the building and the street Consider placement and configuration of parking Technical Guidelines Setbacks shall comply with the requirements of the Zoning Bylaw Use of Exterior Building Materials and Color Design Guidelines Variation in color and materials Architectural treatment should be applied to all elevations of a building Architectural features should enhance the façade or building form
Public Space Guidelines Streetscape Design Design Guidelines Provide safe and comfortable pedestrian environments Design projects to encourage walking & bicycling Utilities should be screened Loading, service, and storage areas should be screened Technical Guidelines Meet minimum landscape setback or i.e feet Screen parking w/combination of landscaping, berming, and screen walls to a height of at least three feet Public/Private Spaces and Separation Design Guidelines Visual and physical connection between private and public space to encourage natural surveillance Active use of outdoor spaces should encouraged
Landscaping Design Guidelines Landscaping should be used extensively throughout the project Layered landscaping and a mix of deciduous and evergreen trees Tree placement should provide maximum shading Reduce water consumption w/native or drought-tolerant plants Visual surveillance of common open space, parking areas, or entries Landscape designs should consider and enhance adjacent sites Technical Guidelines Plant materials shall avoid conflicts with utilities Plant selection should consider site geology and soil conditions All required landscaping shall be continually preserved & maintained Carports or trees should shade at least 30% of the paved parking Allow for sufficient trees root space adjacent to paved surfaces Planters shall be protected from vehicles w/raised curbs or wheel stops Trees should be a minimum of fifteen gallon size Shrubs should be a mix or one gallon and five gallon Landscape plans should be prepared by a licensed landscape architect Slopes should not exceed 4/1 Treat protected zone of native trees w/appropriate groundcover The top and toe of slopes shall be setback a minimum of two feet to prevent drainage across services
Plazas, Parks, and Play Lots Design Guidelines Provide adequate amount of site amenities, plazas, and play areas Common outdoor gathering areas should incorporate a mix of active and passive amenities Recreational amenities should be provided in common outdoor space Defensible Space Design Guidelines Include CPTED best practices Incorporate the concept of private space & control of access Window placement should balance privacy w/natural surveillance Lighting Design Guidelines Pedestrian-scale lighting should be incorporated in outdoor areas Pedestrian-scale lighting should be compatible & integrated into building and landscape design Lighting design shall enhance safety and security in the project Energy efficiency & overall effect should be considered Exterior lighting should reinforce architectural features & blend into landscape Technical Guidelines Lighting that is less than 10’ in height is considered pedestrian scale Lighting sources shall have cut off lenses & should avoid light spillage & glare on adjacent properties Project addresses shall be clearly displayed and illuminated Pedestrian-scale light fixtures shall be durable & vandal resistant Streets, etc., shall have a minimum illumination of 1.0 footcandle Pole mounted lighting should be energy efficient & no taller than 25’ Pedestrian walks should have minimum illumination of 0.5 footcandles
Public Art Design Guidelines Art features should be incorporated into public spaces When provided, art features should enhance the quality and use of the public space Technical Guidelines Art features should be made of durable & vandal resistant material Signage Design Guidelines Thoughtfully integrated design themes and styles for project signage that conforms to the Roseville Sign Ordinance are highly encouraged Sign type and locations should be consistent throughout the project and the sign materials and graphics should complement the project design Technical Guidelines Building and site addressing shall comply with applicable City addressing policies