Annual Report Paul Blackwell Chief of Police
2 Tullahoma Police Department PURPOSE Provide a comprehensive review of the Police Department’s composition and accomplishments of Such review will include; crime statistics, community programs, departmental statistics, and miscellaneous topics. ********************************************************** MISSION To enhance the quality of life for the citizens and visitors of Tullahoma by providing for the safety of ives and property.
3 Tullahoma Police Department SectionItem IPersonnel IITraining IIIFiscal Notes IVCommunity Programs VDepartmental Statistics VICrime Statistics VIIConclusion INDEX
4 Tullahoma Police Department New Hires: during calendar year 2012, five (5) new officers were hired. Of those hired, three were academy graduates and were awarded certification and two attended the law enforcement academy for certification. Promotions: Officer George Marsh – promoted to Patrol Sergeant Officer Tyler Hatfield – promoted to Investigator Investigator Dale Stone – promoted to Investigator Sergeant Inv Sergeant Ferrell – promoted to Investigator Lieutenant
5 Tullahoma Police Department PERSONNEL, continued EmployeeOfficersCivilian Less than 5 yrs service yrs service82 11 – 15 yrs service22 16 – 20 yrs service10 21 yrs and over service81 Married303 Male331 Female24 High School Diploma225 Associate Degree3 Bachelor Degree9 Master Degree1 Military Veteran111 Officers-35 Vacant- 2 Civilians- 5 TOTAL=42 Part Time-14
6 Tullahoma Police Department The department balances training through conventional in-service training to meet TN POST requirements and specialized courses to provide officers with skills, knowledge, and abilities to provide quality service to the community. The department also encourages the personal advancement of post secondary education by participating in a tuition assistance program. ***************************************** Specialized Training Schools – the department provided 1,604 hours of specialized training courses to officers and investigators. Standard In-Service training – the department completed 1,560 hours of standard in-service training at local agencies. Post Secondary education – the department had three officers complete the requirements for their Bachelor of Science degrees in Criminal Justice.
7 Tullahoma Police Department FY 2012 operating budget: $2,742,979 FY 2013 operating budget: $2,828,628 Grants Awarded in 2012: Governor’s Highway Safety Office (GHSO) - $16,676 Department of Justice, Bullet Proof Vest Program (BPVP) - $2,499 Remimbursements in 2012: Coffee County Anti-Drug Coaliton (CCADC) - $8,004 Burglar Alarm collections in 2012: Alarms Answered – 763, Alarms Billed - $28,500, Collected - $9,625
8 Tullahoma Police Department A major objective of the department is providing community programs that contribute to the quality of life of our citizens and visitors. A. Public Presentations: the department is often called upon to present programs, speeches, and discussions on a number of topics. In order to share the information, the department uses a variety of outlets: Churches (3), Local TV (10), Civic Clubs (3), TPD Tours (5), Schools (10), and recurring Newspaper articles (22), and other locations (29)
9 Tullahoma Police Department IV COMMUNITY PROGRAMS, continued B. Media: The department understands that modern technology allows many media outlets to share information with the community. The department has embraced the technology and utilizes popular and innovative ways to keep the community informed. Such outlets include: FACEBOOK – the department maintains a page that frequently shares investigative information, requests for assistance, employee spotlight, and generally information for the public. Website – the city’s website link to the department provides information about department programs, information, and points of contact. Crime Reports – is an on-line application that features data in a map display of incidents that TPD responds to.
10 Tullahoma Police Department IV COMMUNITY PROGRAMS, continued Text A Tip – an anonymous program that permits citizens to contact the department, report an incident, and remain anonymous. The application provides for a back and forth communication with authorities to gain the information while remaining anonymous. The application can be through cell phone or internet programs. NIXLE – a messaging service that permits the department to send vital information to enrolled citizens via text message or . A single message can be sent to a large number of recipients for the purpose of critical events, amber alerts, road closures, or other immediate notifications.
11 Tullahoma Police Department IV COMMUNITY PROGRAMS, continued C.Checkpoints & Saturation Patrols: the department participates in GHSO programs to detect and deter impaired driving. The department schedules DUI checkpoints and saturation patrols on a routine basis to focus on the incidents of impaired driving. During 2012, the department conducted four (4) DUI checkpoints and seven (7) saturation patrols D.Prescription Drug Take Back: The department provides for the safe and anonymous disposal of expired and unused prescription medications. During 2012, a total of 294 pounds of medication were turned in to the department for destruction. E.Child Safety Restraint Program: The department participates in the GHSO program providing child restraint systems to citizens, at not charge. The five TPD technicians provided 67 child systems and provided installation training to others.
12 Tullahoma Police Department IV COMMUNITY PROGRAMS, continued F.Gov Deals: The city participates in the online auction program that provides for the recurring and quick disposal of surplus and seized property. During 2012, the department was able to dispose of surplus police vehicles, seized property, and multiple items that were found property. G.Other programs: The department continues to participate in programs that occur throughout the year. The department supports various community programs and projects by funding assistance and personnel involvement. Such activities include the Tullahoma Youth Development, Coffee County Leadership, Employers Support of the Guard and Reserve (ESGR), Coffee County Anti Drug Coalition, Special Olympics and others.
13 Tullahoma Police Department Change Calls for Service 12,74311,444(1,029) Officer Initiated Activity3,3936,1892,796 TOTAL ACTIVITY16,13617,6331,497 Accidents w/o injury521369(152) Accidents with injury TOTAL ACCIDENTS623479(144) / (23%) Arrests1,0271, Reports Written3,2612,934(327) Special Patrol Requests5,2573,475(1,782) Total Miles Driven349,175330,530(18,645)
14 Tullahoma Police Department V 2012 DEPARTMENTAL STATISTICS, continued TRAFFIC ENF Change Speeding Citations8951, Warnings3,0941,186(1,908) TOTAL TRAFF ENF.3,9892,341(1,648) Stop Signs – Citations Warnings325159(166) Seat Belts – Citations Warnings748143(605) Other Viol – Citations1,9002, Warnings2, (1,127) TRAF ENF. – Citation3,1314,5181,387 Warnings6,3612,295(4,066) TOTAL9,4926,813(2,679)
15 Tullahoma Police Department GROUP “A” OFFENSES: CY YEAR POP. USED BY TBI , , , ,725DIFF.% change Crimes Against Persons (49)(8.48%) Crimes Against Property (199)(16.97%) Crimes Against Society % Total Group “A” Offenses* 2,0081,8671, (209)(10.67) Tullahoma Crime Rate/100,000** 10,80710,00810,5019,346 (1,155)(11%) *(does not take population into consideration) **(population is different for each year) TBI CRIME RATE FORMULA Number of Offenses x 100,000 Population CRIME RATES (TBI Crime in Tennessee 2011) Crime rated in Crime in Tennessee reflect all 22 Group A Offense Categories. Crime rated in the FBI’s Crime in the United States are only based upon 8 Index Offenses. The crime rates in the TIBRS publications will be a more accurate reflection of the crime Occurrences in the state.
16 Tullahoma Police Department TULLAHOMA CRIME RATES PER 100,000 POP. CY
17 Tullahoma Police Department CRIMES AGAINST PERSONS: CY Crimes Against Persons Diff. % change from previous year Murder % Negligent Manslaughter Kidnapping/Abduction % Forcible Rape 7242(2)(50%) Forcible Sodomy 1010(1)(100%) Sex Asslt w/object 3010(1)(100%) Forcible Fondling 3472(5)(71.43%) Incest Statutory Rape % Aggravated Assault Simple Assault (14)(4.06%) Intimidation (36)(34.30%) Stalking % Overall Persons Crimes (48)(8.59%)
18 Tullahoma Police Department Crimes Against Property; CY Crimes Against Property Diff.%change Arson 3343(1)(25%) Bribery Burglary (35)(19.02%) Counterfeiting/Forgery (7)(25%) Destruction/Damage/Vandal (19)(7.95%) Embezzlement 5584(4)(50%) Extortion/Blackmail % Fraud (multiple types) % Motor Vehicle Theft % Robbery (14)(66.67%) Stolen Property Offenses 1120(2)(100%) Theft-Pick pocketing Theft - Purse Snatching Theft - Shoplifting (18)(12.41%) Theft From Building (10)(8.40%) Theft From Coin Machine 2173(4)(57.14%) Theft From Motor Vehicle (38)(36.89%) Theft of Motor Vehicle Parts (9)(15.25%) Theft - All Other Larceny (54)(31.03%) Overall Property Crimes (199) (16.97%)
19 Tullahoma Police Department CRIMES AGAINST SOCIETY; CY Crimes Against Society Diff.% change Drug/Narc Viol % Drug/Narc Equip % Gambling - Betting/Wagering Gambling - Operating/Promo Gambling - Equip Viol 0030(3)(100%) Gambling - Sports Tampering Pornography/Obscene Mat % Prostitution % Prostitution Assisting/Promo Wpns Law Viol Overall Society Crimes
20 Tullahoma Police Department COMPARISON OF OFFENSES CLEARED (in %) CY 2011CY 2012 Tullahoma39.46%48.91% Manchester36.89%44.42% Shelbyville45.01%39.77% Winchester42.81%47.22% Coffee County50.13%51.33% Moore County33.20%37.23% Statewide Average36.10%37.23% Source: TBI Crime in Tennessee 2012
21 NOTES ON DATA Data Sources: Tullahoma Police Dept. Record Management System Tennessee Incident Based Reporting System (TIBRS) Format Change: Effective with the CY2010 report, the Police Department will present the annual data in a style that more closely resembles the statistical data as reported by TBI. The emergence of criminal activity in an array of categories will provide a better picture of criminal activity. Tullahoma Police Department
22 SIMPLIFIED DEFINITIONS Homicide: The killing of one human being by another. Forcible Rape: The carnal knowledge of a person, forcibly and/or against that person’s will; or not forcibly or against the person’s will where the victim is incapable of giving consent. Robbery: The taking, or attempting to take, anything of value under confrontational circumstances from the control, custody, or care of another person by force or threat of force or violence and/or by putting the victim in fear of immediate harm. Aggravated Assault: Unlawful attack by one person upon another using a weapon. Assault Offenses: An unlawful attack by one person upon another. Burglary: The unlawful entry into a building or other structure with the intent to commit a felony or theft. Larceny: The unlawful taking, carrying, leading, or riding away of property from the possession, or constructive possession, of another person. Motor Vehicle Theft: The theft of a motor vehicle. Arson: To unlawfully and intentionally damage, or attempt to damage, any real or personal property by fire or incendiary device.\ Intimidation: To unlawfully place another person in reasonable fear of bodily harm through the use of threatening words/or other conduct, but w/o displaying a weapon or subjecting the victim to actual physical attack. Tullahoma Police Department
23 VII CONCLUSION Tullahoma Police Department
24 Questions?