GATEWAY COURSE SUCCESS Gateway not “gatekeeper” Principles of Reform Gateway not “gatekeeper” Principles of Reform
DROPOUT EXIT RAMP #1 Too many students start college in remediation. 2
Too many entering freshmen need remediation. 3 KNOW THIS 51.7% of those entering a 2-year college enrolled in remediation 19.9% of those entering a 4-year college enrolled in remediation Source: Fall 2006 cohorts
DROPOUT EXIT RAMP #2 Too few complete gateway courses. 4
Most remedial students don’t make it through college-level gateway courses. 5 KNOW THIS Source: Fall 2006 cohorts
DROPOUT EXIT RAMP #3 Too few remedial students ever graduate. 6
Most remedial students never graduate. 7 KNOW THIS Source: Completion data: fall 2006 cohorts; graduation data: 2-year, fall 2004 cohorts; 4-year, fall 2002 cohorts
Remediation isn’t working. 8
The Remedial Education Sequence 9 AssessmentPlacementEnrollmentCompletion
The Traditional Remedial Education Sequence 10 Assessment Take single standardized exam Placement Cut score determines placement in one or more levels of remedial education Enrollment Students take 1 or more courses consecutively before enrolling in gateway courses Completion Success is defined as completion of remedial course
7 Principles of Remedial Education Reform Principle 1 Completion of gateway courses in a program of study is a critical measure of success 11
7 Principles of Remedial Education Reform 14 Principle 2 The content in required gateway courses should align with a student’s program of choice
Create Curricular Pathways – Aligned to Programs of Study 15 Art English Humanities College Math Psychology Political Science Statistics Science Technology Engineering Math Algebra Calculus
7 Principles of Remedial Education Reform 16 Principle 3 Enrollment in a gateway college course should be the default placement for most students
Many “Placed” in Developmental Education Can Succeed in College-Level Courses 17
7 Principles of Remedial Education Reform Principle 4 Provide academic support as a co-requisite with the gateway course 18
Single Semester Co-Requisite Model 19 Traditional- DSPM 0800 Traditional – DSPM 0850 Traditional College Ready Redesign Math Thought and Practice 11.6%43.5%85%76.3% Fundamentals of Statistics 7.5%28.8%56.2%61.2% Austin Peay’s Structured Assistance Program
7 Principles of Remedial Education Reform Principle 5 Students who are significantly underprepared for college-level academic work need accelerated routes to high value programs of study and opportunities to address their academic deficiencies while in high school 20
Accelerated Pathways California Acceleration Project – Path2Stats 21 Student PlacementPath2Stats Completion of College-Level Stats Traditional Sequence Completion of College-Level Math Intermediate Algebra 90%29% Elementary Algebra85%17% Pre- Algebra/Arithmetic 31%5%
Early Assessment and Intervention California Early Assessment Program 22 Reduced probability of needing remediation in Cal State System 6.1% in English 4.1% in Math Did not reduce rate of application for students deemed “Not College Ready”
7 Principles of Remedial Education Reform Principle 6 Multiple measures should be used to guide student placement 23
Probability of Gatekeeper Success 24 Underplaced Overplaced
7 Principles of Remedial Education Reform Principle 7 Students should start a program of study in their first year 25
When entering a program of study: Earlier is better 26
A New College Success Sequence 27 Assessment Use of multiple tools to include HS curriculum, HS GPA and diagnostic academic assessment Placement Placement provides information to both faculty and student about options Maps student progress through a program of study Enrollment Co- Enrollment in Remedial and College-Level Course Single semester remedial option Contextualize instruction in program of study Completion Success is defined as completion of gateway course Enrollment in a program of study Earning a credential
Four steps for states to take now to close remediation exit ramps 1.Start college students in college-level courses with built-in, co-requisite support. 2.Encourage students to enter programs of study when they first enroll. 3.Embed needed academic help in multiple gateway courses. 4.Strengthen high school preparation. 28
Bruce Vandal Twitter: BruceatCCA