Developmental Education Work Group Meeting Date: November 8, 2013 Department of Community Colleges and Workforce Development
Welcome and Introductions Elizabeth Cox Brand, CCWD Jenni Newby, Steering Committee 2
Work Group Purpose The Oregon Developmental Education Workgroup, composed of representatives from all 17 community colleges is charged with examining developmental education practices throughout Oregon and the United States and with making recommendations on the implementation of best practices for Oregon that results in greater student success. 3 3
Work Group Objectives To examine current developmental education policies and practices in Oregon, identify best policies and practices in Oregon and elsewhere in the United States, and make recommendations on the implementation of best policies and practices in Oregon to ensure student success – To identify practices that can decrease time to completion (i.e., to degree, certificate or matriculation) – To identify practices that can decrease student attrition from point of placement test to completion – To identify strategies to decrease attrition and time to completion for subgroups of students (e.g., ABS and ESL students, GED recipients) – To identify state or community college policies that can promote student completion and decrease attrition 4 4
Agenda 5 5 ActivityTime Welcome and Introductions9:00am—9:30am Level-setting Conversations9:30am—10:30am Break10:30am—10:45am Bruce Vandal Presentation and Discussion10:45am—12:00pm Lunch12:00pm—12:30pm Problem Definition12:30pm—1:30pm Greatest Hopes and Fears Discussion1:30pm—2:15pm Next Steps2:15pm—3:00pm
Level-setting Conversations Phil Gonring, Education First 6
Small Groups 7 7 Group I Clatsop Rogue Lane Facilitator: Karen Sanders Group II TBCC SWOCC KCC PCC Facilitator: Phillip King Group III UCC TVCC MHCC Facilitator: Doug Nelson Group IV BMCC COCC Chemeketa OCCC Facilitator: Chareane Wimbley- Gouveia Group V LBCC Clackamas CGCC Facilitator: Laura Hamilton
Discussion Questions How does your campus decide to place students in developmental programs and is it currently considering any other options? How is developmental education in reading, writing and mathematics currently delivered on your campus? What support services does your campus offer students in developmental programs? What interests or excites you about your campus’ developmental education offerings? Any recent innovations? Big successes? 8 8
Group Report Out What were your big takeaways from the conversation? What did you hear to affirm your participation in the developmental education work group? 9 9
Break 10 Please return to your seats by 10:45am
Developmental Coursework Data Presentation and Discussion Billie Shannon, Steering Committee Bruce Vandal, Complete College America 11
Bruce Vandal, Vice President, Complete College America Former Director of the Postsecondary and Workforce Development Institute at the Education Commission of the States (ECS) – Led "Getting Past Go," a Lumina Foundation project to more effectively leverage investments in remedial and developmental education to increase college attainment Previously served as co-director of the Tennessee Developmental Studies Redesign Initiative, a partnership with the Tennessee Board of Regents (TBR) – Worked to reform developmental education courses at TBR institutions – Led projects on aligning education and workforce development policy, teacher preparation and college access Holds a Ph.D. in Education Policy and Administration from the University of Minnesota 12
Lunch 13 Please return to your seats by 12:30pm
Problem Definition Laura Hamilton, Steering Committee Phil Gonring, Education First 14
Discussion Questions What about Bruce’s presentation really resonated with you in regard to the problems your campus faces with developmental education? What do you think the problems are with how we’re doing developmental education on our campuses? 15
Small Groups 16 Group I Clatsop Rogue Lane Facilitator: Karen Sanders Group II TBCC SWOCC KCC PCC Facilitator: Phillip King Group III UCC TVCC MHCC Facilitator: Doug Nelson Group IV BMCC COCC Chemeketa OCCC Facilitator: Chareane Wimbley- Gouveia Group V LBCC Clackamas CGCC Facilitator: Laura Hamilton
Greatest Hopes and Fears Discussion Phil Gonring, Education First 17
Group Discussion Questions What are your greatest fears/concerns about going through a process of redesigning developmental education on your campus? What are your greatest hopes for students, for faculty and staff, for your campus and community? 18
Pairing Discussion Questions What fears did your group discuss? What hopes? What is your personal greatest hope? 19
Next Steps Elizabeth Cox Brand, CCWD 20
Work Group Responsibilities Communicate back to your campus community when appropriate. Read research in advance of and prepare for meetings. Be engaged. 21
Thank You! 22 Next Meeting: Friday, December 6 9:00am-3:00pm Winema Center, Chemeketa Community College, 4000 Lancaster Dr. NE, Salem, OR 97309
255 Capitol Street NE Salem OR For additional information: Elizabeth Cox Brand Research and Communication Director Oregon Dept. of Community Colleges and Workforce Development Phil Gonring Principal, Education First Bruce Vandal Vice President, Complete College America