University of Edinburgh Institute for Academic Development IAD: establishment, interaction & collaboration Jon Turner
University of Edinburgh Institute for Academic Development Background Review of Teaching and Learning Support – spring/summer 2009 Recommendations approved by Senate – October 2010 Appointment of Director – 1 January 2010 Establish IAD as organisation, develop structure and activities – 2010/11
University of Edinburgh Institute for Academic Development Purpose and scope Comprises: –TLA, transkills, HR Researcher Development –Secondees: strategic collaboration: IS, OLL, LTS Schools, other groups Remit: –Continuum of requirements UG, PGT, PGR, early career researchers, other academic and teaching staff….. –Study skills, transferable skills, academic development, teaching and learning (including e-learning)
University of Edinburgh Institute for Academic Development Purpose and scope Governance: –Hosted by HSS but supporting all areas of University –IAD Advisory Group: Colleges, VPs, EUSA, Support Services Key principles: –Support College/University strategic priorities –Work closely and collaboratively with Schools & support services –Provide clearer routes to support (for students and staff) –Consider full continuum of requirements
University of Edinburgh Institute for Academic Development Establishing the IAD (January 2010 to July 2011) –Maintain key areas of current provision –Complete Institute re-organisation –Project-based approach to priority development areas –Establish secondment programme
University of Edinburgh Institute for Academic Development Establishment – timetable and plan Foundations (January to March 2010) –Confirming staffing and initial budgets, reporting and governance, provisional timetable Strategic Planning (March to August 2010) –Discussions with IAD staff, close consultations with Colleges and key stakeholders (e.g. EUSA) –To produce IAD Strategic Plan, organisational structure and programme of activities Pilots and establishment (AY 2010/11) –New structure and activities will be piloted and gradually introduced
University of Edinburgh Institute for Academic Development Programmes, projects and themes Programmes –Core training programmes (e.g. PG Cert UT, Researcher Development, transkills) –Core activities (e.g. PTAS, Reseacher-led fund, publications, on-line resources) Projects –Time limited activities (e.g. linked to ELIR) –Development of new provision or approaches (e.g. PGT) Themes –Cross IAD themes (e.g. international student support, plagiarism, orientation) Underpinning activities –Committee membership, reporting, evaluation, communication, secondments
University of Edinburgh Institute for Academic Development Programmes – 2010/11 –PG Certificate in University Teaching –Tutors and Demonstrators –Principal’s Teaching Award Scheme –PhD transkills (central and with Schools) –Researcher Development Programme –Specific study skills activities
University of Edinburgh Institute for Academic Development Projects – 2010/11 Addressing University Strategic Priorities: –Preparing for ELIR –Student Experience Surveys –Principal’s Career Development PhD Scholarships Support for Taught Masters Review of CPD and other support for University teachers Undergraduate Study Skills
University of Edinburgh Institute for Academic Development Themes 2010/11 Mix of planned and in-year activities General issues emerging across broad areas of IAD remit Responding to College/School feedback Examples –Orientation –Plagiarism –Pedagogy of e-learning –International student support ………
University of Edinburgh Institute for Academic Development Underpinning activities 2010/11 Establish new staffing and organisational structures Move to a single physical location Move to single system for organising and managing events and courses (linked to MyEd Events Booking project) Develop IAD website to provide clear routes to support & training Build network of IAD representation on committees/groups Support specialist University networks (e.g. PTAS network, DoS, e-learning) Develop formal & informal advisory/consultation structures Full launch of IAD - August 2011
University of Edinburgh Institute for Academic Development Secondments /11 Pilot a small number of secondments (5-10) –Schools, support groups Develop sustainable funding model for future secondments and exchanges Develop systems to manage and support secondees
University of Edinburgh Institute for Academic Development What will success look like? Playing a key role in the University’s growing reputation as an internationally acclaimed leader & innovator in all aspects of academic development. Benefits recognised by University staff and students Impact on targets from University Strategic Plan Impact on student experience surveys Increase in number and range of staff engaged with Institute Contributions to major funding applications Other evidence of national and international esteem
University of Edinburgh Institute for Academic Development Discussion Points
University of Edinburgh Institute for Academic Development Direct Provision Networks Policy & Practice
University of Edinburgh Institute for Academic Development IAD/IS secondments Flexible during establishment of IAD (~2 or 3 years) Current secondees –Nora Mogey –Marshall Dozier –Susie Greig Purpose –Strategic connections and collaboration (NM and MD) –Specific projects/activities (all)
University of Edinburgh Institute for Academic Development Pedagogy of eLearning Resource
University of Edinburgh Institute for Academic Development