Innovations in Job Retention and Supported Employment in Primary Care Michael Duignan-Murphy Derek Thomas Kerry Turner
About mcch A home a job and a social life mcch society ltd is a voluntary organisation with charitable status, supporting individuals, with a variety of disabilities, to live full and valued lives, in areas including London, Kent and Essex We believe it to be important for everyone to have the chance to choose where they live, have the opportunity to be meaningfully employed and have a full and fun social life. mcch works in partnership with a diverse range of partner organisations (across sectors), in order to provide person centred, innovative and individually tailored services, which puts the individual at the centre of service provision. mcch Employment & Vocational services offer a range of provision, in which people with learning disabilities and people with mental health issues are supported to be socially and economically active through a range of paid employment options, underpinned by the IPS model.
mcch E&V and the National Context Within our services, the Realising Ambitions agenda provides a foundation for service delivery. Individuals are supported, encouraged and expected to gain employment and pursue successful working lives, availing of the IPS model in developing the building blocks for sustainable change, innovative partnership working and the Individual at the centre of service provision. Health and Wellbeing agenda; New Horizons; Transforming Social Care; Public Sector Agreement targets – N150, N152; Making inclusion for people with health issues in the workplace, not only a national indicator through Public Sector Agreement targets, but a reality for Individuals with health issues. Health and Wellbeing agenda
Primary Care Services IAPT Employment Advisor Pilot “This pilot focuses on the provision of job retention support in conjunction with clinical support for each Individual accessing the service in order to support them to retain their employment.” Employment, Health and Well being in Primary Care “This project has been developed with Department of Health ‘section 64’ funding to work directly with Individuals, employers and GP practices to develop early intervention supported employment initiatives for Individuals with mental health issues accessing primary care services, as well as signposting as appropriate to achieve optimum wellbeing and full social inclusion
Aim of the Services Support Individuals to retain and / or find employment Support Individuals to return quickly to their employment Support employers to manage sickness due to mental ill health Establish and develop communication pathways between Individual, GP, employer and other partner agencies Reduce the barriers to employability Develop independent networks of support, including; Peer Forums and Community Contacts
Service Delivery Employment Specialists and Individual work together to achieve employment goals An experienced mcch staff team supporting both the Individual and their employer in long term sustainable employment Signposting and Information, Advice and Guidance, for each individual, in order to access appropriate support mechanisms, for example, Signpost Kent, Counselling Services and Job Centre Plus Support employers to understand the benefits of health and well- being across their workforce through seminars, workshops and information sessions Mental Health awareness training provided to employers and work colleagues
IAPT Employment Advisor Pilot January 2009 launch of 2 year IAPT Employment Adviser Pilot mcch operate the Southeast element of 11 nationwide Pilots in the defined area of Maidstone and Weald only In partnership with Kent and Medway NHS and Social Care Partnership Trust (KMPT) KMPT Therapists offer high and low intensity therapy mcch Employment Advisors provide job retention support Combined support with access to both clinical and employment support Referral routes
IAPT Referral Sources
Challenges Clinical and employment support being embedded Change of Clinical provider Confidentiality and sharing information Partnership working Referral sources – GP’s – getting foot in door Employment
Overcoming Challenges Defined staff link between organisations Joint referral form implemented Information sharing agreement in place Greater awareness of the importance of early intervention Consistent presence at Team meetings and networking, including informal communication Promotion of employment support reducing waiting lists Employment Support before therapeutic intervention can lead to individual not requiring clinical support Flexibility and adaptability – helping each other Continual marketing and promotion Persistence, particularly with GP’s Using Case Studies to promote service offer Improving health and wellbeing, promoting recovery
Employment, Health and Wellbeing in Primary Care project April 2008 launch of 3 year project mcch operate project in both North and Southeast Kent Work in partnership with a range of partners, across sectors, with the Individual we are supporting at the heart of service provision mcch Employment Advisors provide job retention support,support Individuals to gain paid employment and promote social inclusion
Challenges New service model – setting a new agenda Promotion and marketing of health and well-being through employment and social inclusion Supporting employers to retain their staff and therefore achieve the needs of their business To support cultural change with employers and all partner organisations Developing and establishing communication pathways with GP’s and employers Accessing employers to provide ongoing support in terms of conflict resolution, mental health awareness training and reasonable adjustments
EH& W Referrals
Overcoming Challenges Establishing clear systems and processes including; referrals, Individual assessment and ongoing employment and job retention support Flexible processes to meet the needs of referrers and Individuals Demonstrating an ability to alleviate pressures on GP’s supporting individuals with mental health issues Developing working relationships and partnership processes with Practice Managers, GP Leads, Employers and other Providers Being clear on service provision and signposting to other services as appropriate Support employers to understand the benefits of health and wellbeing across their workforce through seminars, workshops and information sessions – designed specifically for that employer Providing ongoing support to employers in terms of conflict resolution, mental health awareness training and reasonable adjustments Development of a database for recording outcomes Persistence and enthusiasm in promotion and marketing
Case Studies & Testimonials Questions? Contact Details; Michael Duignan-Murphy: Kerry Turner: Derek Thomas: