Michael Turner: A Life in Science. Fermi Research Alliance (FRA), Elementary-Particle Physics and Fermilab 2007 FNAL Users’ Meeting 7 June 2007 Michael.


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Presentation transcript:

Michael Turner: A Life in Science

Fermi Research Alliance (FRA), Elementary-Particle Physics and Fermilab 2007 FNAL Users’ Meeting 7 June 2007 Michael S. Turner Member, FRA Board of Directors Chair, ILC Committee

Fermi Research Alliance Fermi Research Alliance LLC owned equally by URA and UChicago President of FRA: Pier Oddone Won the re-competition to manage Fermilab and took over 1 January Member Board-of-Directors formed to bring local presence, strong national representation, “corporate reach back”, international expertise, and 100 years experience of managing DOE Labs to meet the challenges of today

FRA Board of Directors Robert J. Zimmer, Chair President, UChicago Frederick Bernthal, Vice Chair President, URA Dan Arvizu, Director NREL Henry Bienen, President, Northwestern University Lewis Collens, President, IIT Persis Drell, Deputy Director, SLAC James Frank, President Wheels, Inc & UChicago Trustee Ian Halliday, CEO, European Science Council Judd Haverfield, former VP, Weyerhaeuser David Hitlin, Caltech Don Levy, VP for Resarch and National Labs, UChicago John Peters, President, Northern Illinois University Jack Ritchie, University of Texas Heidi Schnellman, Northwestern Frank Sciulli, Columbia University Charles Shank, former Director, LBNL Greg Snow, University of Nebraska Sheldon Stone, Syracuse Yoji Totsuka, former Director, KEK Michael Turner, UChicago Thomas Weiler, Vanderbilt Joseph White, President, University of Illinois Jill Wittels, VP, L3 Communications Randall Wotring, President, EG&G Division, URS Corp

Vibrant Program Exciting Recent Results W mass (0.05%), top mass (1%) Single top production Resolution of LSND mystery B s oscillations Accurate determination of neutrino oscillation/mass parameters … on track for 6 to 8 fb -1, Higgs in sight

Big Opportunities Complete the standard model Identify the dark matter particle Reconcile GR and quantum mechanics Identify the dynamite behind the big bang Understand cosmic acceleration Explain matter/antimatter asymmetry Unify the forces and particles Continue U.S. Leadership in Elementary-Particle Physics

Challenges Make big discoveries and realize the LHC investment Embrace the expanded agenda of elementary-particle physics Succeed in the very competitive funding environment for discovery science Rally around Fermilab as the U.S. lab for HEP Maintain a strong national program within a global framework Create a global ILC Lab at Fermilab

FRA Science Strategy FRA Science Strategy as developed by the Director ( Energy FrontierEnergy Frontier –Tevatron program –LHC commissioning –ILC R&D, hosting preparations, advanced accelerator R&D NeutrinosNeutrinos –MiniBooNE, MINOS, SciBooNE, Minerva –NOvA Particle AstrophysicsParticle Astrophysics –Astrotheory, SDSSII, Auger, CDMSII consistent with the vision of EPP2010 and designed to maintain a robust national program and U.S. leadership

FRA in Support of Fermilab and U.S. Elementary-particle Physics Help Fermilab strengthen its relationship with the U.S. HEP community in this new era LHC Physics Center to enhance U.S. participation Strategic investment of management fee in support of Fermilab programs Sabbatical/visitor programs with URA Universities Joint appointments with local Universities –Director, Center for Particle Astrophysics (with UChicago) State and Local support for Fermilab –State of Illinois to build Illinois Accelerator Center at Fermilab Marshal Local, State, Federal and Global support for ILC Strengthen collaboration between Fermilab and Argonne –ILC R&D, Accelerator R&D, LHC, Computing, Astrophysics

FRA Understands its Responsibilities to the Department of Energy & the EPP Community and is Committed to the future of Elementary-Particle Physics and Fermilab Questions, comments: