Walton Science Department Gordon Smith KS3 Manager
Walton Science Department 1.Science at Walton High School – what does our curriculum look like? 2.How are your children assessed?
Walton Science Department 1.Science at Walton High School – what does our curriculum look like? 2.How are your children assessed?
KS3 Science at Walton In recent years, KS3 Science at Walton has been condensed into a 2 year course. Pupils are taught KS3 Science in Year 7 and Year 8.
Why a 2 Year Course? Removes repetition in Year 9. Commence GCSE a year earlier. Allows increased option choices at GCSE e.g. Human Health, Astronomy, BTEC.
Topics Studied TERMYEAR 7YEAR 8 September December Cells and Reproduction Simple Chemical Reactions Human Health and Disease Atoms, Elements, Compounds and Mixtures. January Easter Forces and the Solar System Photosynthesis Further Forces DNA, genes, chromosomes and inheritance Easter End of School Year Ecology Energy and Electricity Forms of Energy Environmental Chemistry
Walton Science Department Science at Walton High School – what does our curriculum look like? 2.How are your children assessed?
KS3 Science Assessment Pupils taught in ‘half-term’ units. Each unit ends in a summative assessment e.g. a test which provides a level.
How can you support your child in preparation for Science Tests? 1.Check homework diary regularly for notification of upcoming tests. 2.Purchase a revision guide to assist your child’s learning.
KS3 Science Assessment
Promote their Curiosity of Science
Encourage Revision
Encourage Revision
Encourage Different Types of Revision
KS3 Science Assessment Achievements and progress of pupils are not just judged on tests alone. Work is regularly marked and feedback is provided. Parents can support their child lesson by lesson by looking at their work books.
How can you support your child during term time? 1.Regularly check work book and read over targets with your child. 2.Ensure your child is responding to targets set.
Walton Science Department Gordon Smith
Maths Presentation Ian Turner KS3 Maths Co- ordinator
Maths Presentation Maths IS Hard!
Principle 1 HAVE A GO! Students & Parents
NO NO 1 “Well I was never any good at Maths…”
Concern 1 “What if I’m teaching them wrong?”
Example 1 A big difference from Primary is that algebra overtakes number as the main topic. Solvew=7 6
Answer w=6 x 7 Problem, I don’t my 6 times table……… 42
Example 2 Two step equation, student wants to solve by substitution. 2x+3=11 Try (5) returns 13 so Try (4)
Principle 2 Be open minded about different methods.
NO NO 2 When the child says, “You’re just confusing me I’m doing it this way”
Better Method?
Example 3
NO NO 3 Don’t say, “Come on it’s obvious”
Principle 3 Always better to stop too soon than too late. You can overdo it and put your child off. Just because they’ve done one thing great doesn’t mean they need to do another 34 tonight.
Maths is Hard? NOT ALWAYS In our house the Maths GCSE was break from the hard stuff (like French)