Facility Usage at a Glance For ProfitMixed Usage CSU Event Driven Works directly with facility event liaison Works directly with facility event liaison, or inputs request via Cougar Scheduler Inputs request via Cougar Scheduler Facility event Liaison inputs data into Cougar Scheduler
Current Challenges Defining events that are charged for facility use vs those that are not. Who is considered Affiliated vs Non- Affiliated?
Types of Facility Usage CSU Affiliated Group or Organization – Any Group that has an official affiliation to any college, division, department, or other official administrative or service unit, and student organization recognized by Columbus State University. Non-Affiliated Group or Organization – Any group, organization, or corporation not recognized or part of Columbus State University seeking to use space managed by Columbus State University.
Types of Spaces Associated with Columbus State University For Profit Driven Facilities – The purpose of these facilities are to increase community involvement while operating a fiscally self sufficient budget. All usage is provided at allocated fee levels. Mixed Usage Facilities – The purpose of these facilities are to support both Community and Columbus State University Events. CSU Event Driven Facilities – The purpose of these facilities are to serve the needs of the Students, Faculty, and Staff of Columbus State University. These spaces have the opportunity to be leased if no CSU events are using them.
Types of Spaces Associated with Columbus State University For Profit Driven Facilities Elizabeth Bradley Turner Center Cunningham Conference Center Coca-Cola Space Science Center Bo Bartlett Center Mixed Usage Facilities Rankin Atrium & Gardens University Hall CIE CSU Event Driven Facilities Lumpkin Center Davidson Student Center Student Recreation Center Woodruff Gymnasium Athletic Fields Schuster 130 Center for Commerce & Tech Lindsey Mock Pavilion Woodruff Park Riverside Theatre Complex Corn Center for Visual Arts Schwob School of Music
Who Pays for What? All entities using space charged Elizabeth Bradley Turner Center Cunningham Conference Center Coca-Cola Space Science Center Bo Bartlett Center Outside CSU entities charged for space usage Rankin Atrium & Gardens University Hall CIE
Types of Spaces Associated with Columbus State University Limited Outside CSU entities charged for usage. Lumpkin Center Davidson Student Center Student Recreation Center Woodruff Gymnasium Athletic Fields Schuster 130 Center for Commerce & Tech Lindsey Mock Pavilion Woodruff Park Riverside Theatre Complex Corn Center for Visual Arts Schwob School of Music
Current Challenges What is a CSU authorized sponsorship? – Who is the approval authority?
Event Sponsorships What constitutes a CSU sponsored event. – The event embodies the mission of the Department and University. – The event is attended by and produced through the associated staff, faculty, and students of the sponsoring entity.
Event Sponsorships University Sponsored Event (Community Event)- A department may sponsor a non-affiliated group or organization for any single instance event if that event fits within the overall mission of CSU to promote academia and service to its community. These sponsorships must be approved through the governing bodies of this facility handbook including, but not limited to Vice President of Business and Finance, the Office of the President, the Dean Academic Affairs, Campus Services, or appropriate designees.
Outcomes Who has ownership of University Hall and Rankin Atrium & Gardens? Campus Services Proposed to have control of all CSU affiliated spaces What events spaces are charged for and what is not? CSU Affiliated groups are not to be charged a rental fee What is classified as a sponsorship? To be approved through Lester’s Office