Annual Partner Meeting Washington, DC November 18, 2013 John Van Oudenaren The Library of Congress WDL Project Director
Technical Developments Partners Content Capacity Building Users and User Engagement
Process Improvements – Online content submission process – Dropbox – Partner review User Interface (UI) Improvements – Browse and search results page – Viewer/page turner – Gallery View
9,560 items 402,048 images 2,972 items added in the past year (45% growth) Items contributed by 37 partner institutions in 20 countries 103 institutions in 50 countries currently represented on the WDL Long-term content goals and selection criteria are under discussion
178 partners in 80 countries (added 11 partners and three countries: Yemen, Kenya, Vietnam) Three new national library partners: National Library of Kenya National Library of Vietnam Slovak National Library Réseau francophone numérique (RFN) Capacity building challenge Current partners Prospective partners
Digital Conversion Centers – Egypt – Iraq – Uganda Arab Peninsula Regional Group, Qatar National Library Doha Workshop, June 2013 Boris Yeltsin Presidential Library Training Visit, September-October 2013
Visits: 4,296,206 Page views: 23,316,314 Downloads: 305,906 ReadSpeaker Usage: 170,312 Top countries by number of visits: Spain, Brazil, Mexico, United States, China, Argentina, Germany, United Kingdom, Portugal, Colombia, France, Russian Federation (Data for Library of Congress FY 2013)
Spain, Brazil, Mexico, and United States account 48 percent of total visits Usage in Spanish-speaking countries declined in relative and absolute terms; most other countries/languages continued to grow Large gap between Spanish, English, Portuguese and the other four languages Arabic is growing, and now ranks fourth, ahead of Chinese, French, and Russian Page views per visit seems to be increasing, particularly in recent months
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