Bacteria Wanted Poster
Description Shape (cocci, bacilli, spirilli). Oxygen requirements (aerobic, facultative anaerobe, obligate anerobe). Spore former. Motile/non-motile. Gram stain reaction (refer to handout and the following 3 slides).
Gram Positive Bacillus anthracis
Gram Negative Bacteria
Gram Stain
Organism’s m.o. Modus operandi (m.o.) is a characteristic pattern of methods of a repeated criminal act. Explain how the organism attacks and spreads.
Most Common Victims Individuals most likely to become infected.
Hide Out of the Culprit Where the bacterium is commonly found (Ex. Intestinal tract, lungs, blood, etc). Could also include the environment, food, objects, etc.
Most Common Injury
Armed and Dangerous ? Spores Toxins Flagella Capsule Anything that can enable the bacterium to cause infection.
Number of victims How many people have become infected and/or died. This can be from any part of the world.
Most Effective Weapons Vaccines. Antibiotics. Disinfectants. Heat, U.V. light, etc.
Other Characteristics Flagella. Capsule. Heat Resistant. Antibiotic resistant, etc.