Kimberly A. Gamson All About Turner’s Syndrome By :
Introduction Introduction of The Creator What is Turner’s Syndrome? Symptoms Complications Treatment Life Expectancy Conclusion
First described and diagnosed by Dr. Henry Turner in the 1930’s Affects only females Occurs within one in 2,500 births Not believed to be an inherited genetic condition May be diagnosed in eutero, after delivery, or during teen or adult years What is Turner’s Syndrome?
Diagnosis & Symptoms Diagnosis can be made by tests Several test may need to be done before the final diagnosis is made Short Stature Swelling of hands and feet Heart abnormalities Problems with sense of direction, manual dexterity and social skills Webbed neck Lack of menstruation
Complications Hypertension Heart Disease Lymphedema Aortic Dissection Diabetes Infertility Ear & Hearing Problems Kidney Disease Learning disabilities Osteoporosis Thyroid Problems
Treatment During childhood and adolescence should be seen by a pediatric endocrinologist Growth hormone injections are beneficial Estrogen is needed to begin monthly menstruation and prevent osteoporosis Should get regular check-ups with GP, Endocrinologist, cardiologist and ENT Specialists may be able to help with donor embryos
Life Expectancy Some health care professionals and researchers state that those with this condition have a decreased life expectancy as they get older However, all things being equal, there is no reason why a woman with Turner syndrome should not lead a full, productive life.
Conclusion Turner’s Syndrome Turner Syndrome (also known as Ullrich-Turner syndrome) is a chromosomal condition first described by Dr. Henry Turner in the 1930′s It affects only females, and is characterized by short stature and the lack of normal sexual development at puberty Several tests may be done before the final diagnosis is made There is no reason why a woman with Turner syndrome should not lead a full, productive life
References Davidson, J. (2010). Turner Syndrome, Retrieved August 4,2010 from eCureMe. (2003). Turner’s Syndrome, Retrieved August 4, 2010 from HealthTree. (2010). Turner Syndrome Complications and Side Effects, Retrieved August 4, 2010 from MedicineNet. (2010). Turner Syndrome, Retrieved August 4, 2010 from