Copyright Prentice-Hall 2002 Chapter 13 Schizophrenia and Other Psychotic Disorders This multimedia product and its contents are protected under copyright law. The following are prohibited by law: any public performance or display, including transmission of any image over a network; preparation of any derivative work, including the extraction, in whole or in part, of any images; any rental, lease, or lending of the program.
Copyright Prentice-Hall 2002 Emil KraepelinEmil Kraepelin –Dementia Praecox Eugen BleulerEugen Bleuler –Associations –Affect –Ambivalence –Autism * History of the Concepts of Schizophrenia
Copyright Prentice-Hall 2002 Kurt SchneiderKurt Schneider –First-rank symptoms –Second-rank symptoms Contemporary Diagnostic PracticesContemporary Diagnostic Practices* History of the Concepts of Schizophrenia
Copyright Prentice-Hall 2002 Brief Psychotic DisordersBrief Psychotic Disorders Schizophreniform DisorderSchizophreniform Disorder Delusional DisorderDelusional Disorder –Erotomanic –Grandiose –Jealousy –Persecutory * Other Forms of Psychosis
Copyright Prentice-Hall 2002 Delusional DisorderDelusional Disorder –Somatic –Mixed Schizophrenia-Spectrum DisordersSchizophrenia-Spectrum Disorders –Schizoaffective disorder * Other Forms of Psychosis
Copyright Prentice-Hall 2002 Prevalence of SchizophreniaPrevalence of Schizophrenia Major Features of SchizophreniaMajor Features of Schizophrenia –Disturbances of thought and speech Disturbances of content of thoughtDisturbances of content of thought –Delusions of persecution –Delusions of being controlled –Delusions of grandeur Disturbances in the form of thoughtDisturbances in the form of thought*Schizophrenia
Copyright Prentice-Hall 2002 Major Features of SchizophreniaMajor Features of Schizophrenia –Attentional deficiencies Deficiencies in orienting responseDeficiencies in orienting response Eye movement dysfunctionEye movement dysfunction Deficiencies in event-related potentialsDeficiencies in event-related potentials –Perceptual disturbances –Emotional disturbances –Other types of impairment *Schizophrenia
Copyright Prentice-Hall 2002 Subtypes of SchizophreniaSubtypes of Schizophrenia –Disorganized –Catatonic –Paranoid –Type I vs. Type II Positive symptomsPositive symptoms Negative symptomsNegative symptoms Premorbid functioningPremorbid functioning*Schizophrenia
Copyright Prentice-Hall 2002 Theoretical Perspectives of SchizophreniaTheoretical Perspectives of Schizophrenia –Psychodynamic perspective –Learning perspective –Biological perspective Genetic factorsGenetic factors Biochemical factorsBiochemical factors –Dopamine theory *Schizophrenia
Copyright Prentice-Hall 2002 Theoretical Perspectives of SchizophreniaTheoretical Perspectives of Schizophrenia –Biological perspective Viral infectionsViral infections Brain abnormalitiesBrain abnormalities –Family theories Communication devianceCommunication deviance Expressed emotionExpressed emotion Family factorsFamily factors*Schizophrenia
Copyright Prentice-Hall 2002* The Familial Risk of Schizophrenia
Copyright Prentice-Hall 2002 Treatment ApproachesTreatment Approaches –Biological approaches Antipsychotic drugsAntipsychotic drugs Tardive dyskinesia (TD)Tardive dyskinesia (TD) –Sociocultural factors in treatment –Psychodynamic therapy –Learning-based therapies –Psychosocial rehabilitation –Family intervention programs *Schizophrenia