Edna St. Vincent Millay By Robert Wharton
Life Edna St. Vincent Millay Born in Rockland, Maine on February Her mother had pushed her to enter a poem contest she came in fourth but she got a scholarship to go to a college. After college she moved New York and lived in a small attic. She was very poor and she wrote anything that an editor wanted accept. She married a feminist named Eugen Boissevain he managed Edna’s poem career. He helped her become famous.
Historical Events Children were working rather than go to school. people were starving. World War 1 had still been going on. Women were trying to get equal rights they had their first suffrage parade. The Titanic had sunk April 15, Labor unions were fighting for their better working environment and more better pay. This caused social problems.
Poem Analysis Recuerdo by Edna St. Vincent Millay “…….We were very tired, we were very merry, We had gone back and forth all night on the ferry. We hailed "Good morrow, mother!" to a shawl-covered head, And bought a morning paper, which neither of us read; And she wept, "God bless you!" for the apples and pears, And we gave her all our money but our subway fares.” The poem Recuerdo is about two people spending the day together. The poem does not say if the two people are friends or if they are together as a couple. But they seem really close because they spend all night being together. This last verse talks about how they bought pears and apples for an old woman while they spent the day together.
Poem Analysis O world, I cannot hold thee close enough! Thy winds, thy wide grey skies!Thy mists that roll and rise! Thy woods, this autumn day, that ache and sag And all but cry with colour! That gaunt crag To crush! To lift the lean of that black bluff! World, World, I cannot get thee close enough! Long have I known a glory in it all, But never knew I this; Here such a passion is As stretcheth me apart. Lord, I do fear Thou'st made the world too beautiful this year. My soul is all but out of me, let fall No burning leaf; prithee, let no bird call. This poem is about how beautiful the world is and how that the beauty will soon go away. God’s World By Edna St. Vincent Millay She is overwhelmed with the the beautiful world.