Inauguration of the renovated PMOD/WRC building August 28., 2013.


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Presentation transcript:

Inauguration of the renovated PMOD/WRC building August 28., 2013

Program 15:30-15:40Welcome – President SFI, Dr. Walter Ammann 15:40-16:00Welcome  Swiss confederation: Swiss representative at WMO, Director MeteoSwiss, Dr. Christian Plüss  Canton Graubünden: Chief Administrator, Mr. Eugen Arpagaus  Community Davos: Mr. Reto Dürst 16:00-16:10 Director PMOD/WRC: Past – Present - Future 16:10-16:30Keynote by Dr. Ghassem R. Asrar, Director, World Climate Research Program, WMO: The importance of the PMOD/WRC for observing and understanding of the Global Climate System 16:30Inauguration (Photo in front of the building) 16:40Apéro / Guided tour (V. Feubli, BBL)

Welcome President Schweizerisches Forschungsinstitut für Hochgebirgsklima und Medizin Dr. Walter Ammann

Welcome Swiss representative at WMO Director MeteoSwiss Dr. Christian Plüss

Welcome Canton Graubünden Chief Administrator Eugen Arpagaus

Welcome Community Davos Communal Council Reto Dürst

Past – Present – Future Director PMOD/WRC Werner Schmutz August 28., 2013

PMOD Carl Dorno founded the PMOD in 1907 The PMOD was located in the „Villa Dora“ until 1976 Carl Dorno

Dorno rays The focus of research at the Physikalisch- Meteorologisches Observatorium Davos (PMOD) was the measurement of radiation. In particular: UV radiation, which was later named “Dorno Strahlung” (“Dorno rays” is still used in medicine) The measurement platform was on the roof of „Villa Dora“ Most instruments are preserved in the PMOD/WRC archive

The long path to the creation of the World Radiation Center workshop at PMOD dedicated to compare pyrheliometers 1956 the Radiation Commission of IAM and the CIMO/WMO Working Group on Radiation held a joint meeting in Davos The main theme of the 1956 meeting was the definition of the Standard Scale of Radiation Conclusion:  Need of regular International Pyrheliometer Comparisons...

1 st International Pyrheliometer Comparison workshop at PMOD dedicated to compare pyrheliometers 1956 the Radiation Commission of IAM and the CIMO/WMO Working Group on Radiation held a joint meeting in Davos The main theme of the 1956 meeting was the definition of the Standard Scale of Radiation Conclusion:  Need of regular International Pyrheliometer Comparisons... IPC I 1959 – On the roof of the PMOD, house Dora, Davos Platz Walter Mörikofer director of PMOD 1970 creation of the World Radiation Center in Davos, thanks to the excellent world-wide contacts of Walter Mörikofer to WMO and IRC/IAMAS.

PMOD/WRC today PMOD/WRC is a branch of the foundation SFI World Radiation Center since 1971 Operational service Research Calibration of meteorological instruments measuring radiation Development of instruments and methods Energy balance and influence of radiation on the terrestrial climate  Green house effect  Sun-Earth connection

International Pyrheliometer Comparison IPC XI The PMOD/WRC is still responsible for the World Radiometric Reference (WRR) and the organization of the IPCs every 5 years. WRR

Space experiments are built in house at PMOD/WRC 14 In particular for the measurement of the Total Solar Irradiance, e.g.:  1995 VIRGO/SOHO (PI Claus Fröhlich)  2010 PREMOS/PICARD (PI Werner Schmutz)  2015 CLARA/NORSAT

Total Solar Irradiance measurements in space since PREMOS is the first fully SI traceable calibrated radiometer in space PREMOS/PICARD is the first fully SI traceable calibrated radiometer in space (SI = International System of Units)  PICARD launched 2010

PREMOS on PICARD PREMOS is the first fully SI traceable calibrated radiometer in space PREMOS established the absolute value of the Total Solar Irradiance On 27. July 2010 the Total Solar Irradiance was W/m² ±0.4 W/m 2

Why radiation research ? O.5 o C in the last 30 years are antropgenic What is the anthropogenic contribution during the last 100 years? How much is natural warming? 17

The terrestrial temperature is forced Estimated TSI in the past by Shapiro et al., 2011

“Little ice age” 17 th century

TSI monitoring needs to continue … What if the Sun has a “Maunder Minimum like” minimum in the future? Hypothetical decrease of TSI Solar minimum called “Maunder Minimum” ongoing scientific discussion … and continued need of PMOD/WRC activities !

Acknowledgments The PMOD/WRC has a radiant future thanks to the support of: WMO MeteoSwiss Kanton Graubünden Gemeinde Davos The renovation is a success story thanks to: Bundesamt für Bauten und Logistik Emch+Berger Gesamtplanung Architektschumacher Elektrizitätswerk Davos AG

Keynote Director World Climate Research Program WMO Dr. Ghassem R. Asrar

Inauguration Hand over of the “key to the house” (photo)

Guided tour Project responsible Bundesamt für Bauten und Logistik Valentin Feubli