Joint Workshop Vienna, December 11, 2014 Ovidiu ALUPEI-COJOCARIU, UEFISCDI EUREKA deputy NPC, Romania
1 Austria Bosnia and Hercegovina Bulgaria Croatia Czech Rep. Germany Hungary Montenegro Romania Serbia Slovakia Slovenia Ukraine The vast majority of Danube Region countries are members of EUREKA. courtesy EUREKA secretariat
collaboration tool to support cross-border co-operative projects EUREKAs 30 years experience complement the efforts in the basic research sector by industrial research variable geometry within the EUREKA network to launch a multilateral call Romania support participants by public funding 2
EUREKA sees the common call as an opportunity to promote industrial R&D projects in the Danube Region Romania agree on proposed calendar 3
The check and the evaluation of applications are organised by the EUREKA national offices/national funding bodies If at least two countries have evaluated positively, the project is eligible for the EUREKA label (E! Meeting in 10/15) Projects could start from late
Announcement via the EUREKA communication channels (website, EUREKA news, eZine, LinkedIn, …) Similar at national level UEFISCDI Newsletter UEFISCDI Partners dissemination channels 5
Ovidiu ALUPEI-COJOCARIU Deputy NPC UEFISCDI - Executive Agency for Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovation 6
7 M.E.N. – R.D.I. High Level Representative EUREKA and Eurostars Anca GHINESCU Deputy HLR Antoaneta POPESCU National Project Coordinator Prof. Dr. Vasile LUNGU EUREKA Office ROMANIA National Funding Body Program INNOVATION Dr. Marius MITROI Deputy NPC Assoc.Prof.Dr. Ovidiu ALUPEI-COJOCARIU PRO-FACTORY+ Mr. Catalin MOLAGIC
Romania has already participated in a number of bi- and multilateral calls (RO - IL, RO -TR, E! Multilateral Call, RO-BG) We are open to participate in more EUREKA calls. Romania supports the E! Danube Initiative 8
The funding for EUREKA projects is provided by the „INNOVATION Programme“. bottom-up funding programme for experimental development projects and allows submissions at any time. Funding decisions are taken 4x/year in a competitive procedure. Eurostars-2 is well supported in Romania, 1 Mio. € from national funding sources is available per year. 9 Funding rate max. 70% for Small companies in form of grants Maximum Funding per EUREKA Individual project: € as grant Cluster and Eurostars 2 project: € as grant Project duration Max. 36 months Application: Online via Annual budget: Ca. 4.4 Mio. € per year
10 E! RELIS To implement a real-time risk detection for incorrect result in clinical Laboratory Information Systems. Participating countries >GERMANY,ITALY,ROMANIA E! EUGEN To provide a global web service for medical guideline decision support Participating countries >GERMANY,ROMANIA E! GENOWHEAT Genomic selection (GS) for the first time in wheat and durum for Turkey, Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) to bring improvement of robustness, yield and quality to the market in minimum time. Participating countries >AUSTRIA,HUNGARY,ROMANIA,TURKEY