Friedrich Schiller Grimm Brothers Johann Goethe Martin Luther Heinrich Heine Hermann Hesse Günter Grass Thomas Mann Karl Marx Bertolt Brecht Heinrich Böll CLICK ON AN AUTHOR TO BEGIN Review Question
HEINRICH THEODOR BÖLL Born Dec. 21, 1917 in Cologne Died Jul. 16, 1985 First novel: “ The Train Was on Time” (1949) His works are nicknamed “Trümmerliteratur” Literature of the Rubble (referring to post WWII) Received Awards: Nobel Prize for Literature Georg Büchner Prize Popular Works: Billiards at half-past Nine The Clown Group Portrait with Lady The Safety Net Return to Author Menu
EUGEN BERTOLT FRIEDRICH BRECHT Born Feb. 10, 1898 in Augsberg, Bavaria Died Aug. 14, 1956 Started as a newspaper journalist then became a playwright First play: Baal (1918) First produced play: “Drums in the Night” Received Award: Kleist Prize Popular Works The Threepenny Opera Life of Galileo Mother Courage and Her Children The Good Person of Szechwan The Caucasion Chalk Circle The Resistible Rise of Arturo Ui Return to Author Menu
JOHANN WOLFGANG VON GOETHE Born Aug. 28, 1749 in Frankfurt Died Mar. 22, 1832 He originally went to law school Became a poet, novelist, and playwright Also wrote scientific pieces Popular Works: Faust The Sorrows of Young Werther Ein Briefroman or novel written of letters Wilhelm Meisters Apprenticeship Theory of Colors West-East Divan Return to Author Menu
GÜNTER GRASS Born Oct. 16, 1927 in Danzig Well known for first book, “The Tin Drum” Wrote the well known, “Danzig Triology” Was a Prisoner of War in WWII after being wounded Received Awards: Georg Büchner Prize Nobel Prize for Literature Popular Works Cat and Mouse Dog Years Crabwalk Return to Author Menu
GRIMM BROTHERS Jacob (Jan. 4, Sept. 20, 1863) Wilhelm (Feb. 24, 1786 – Dec. 16, 1859) Well known for their collection of Fairy Tales, a byproduct of linguistic research (collected from towns people) Lived together for the majority of their lives Popular Works German Dictionary Fairy Tales Rapunzel Hänsel und Gretel Cinderella Little Red Riding Hood Snow White Rumpelstilzchen The Princess and the Pea Return to Author Menu
HEINRICH HEINE Born Dec. 13, 1797 in Düsseldorf Died Feb. 17, 1856 Wrote “Book of Songs” which German composers put to music Used the same publisher throughout career – Julius Campe Also was an editor for “Politische Annalen” magazine Popular works Travel Pictures Atta Troll Romanzero Germany: A Winter’s Tale Return to Author Menu
HERMANN HESSE Born Jul in Calw Died Aug. 9, 1962 Wrote a poem entitled, “Madonna” Published a poetry book entitled, “One Hour After Midnight” Received Award: Nobel Prize for Literature Popular Works The Glass Bead Game Demian Steppenwolf Siddhartha Return to Author Menu
MARTIN LUTHER Born Nov. 10, 1483 in Eisleben Died Feb. 18, 1546 Started the Protestant Reformation Translated the Bible into German, so the commoners could read it Also wrote “95 Theses” which instigated the reformation Believed that sin forgiveness couldn’t be purchased Luther also wrote hymns A Mighty Fortress Is Our God We All Believe In One True God Return to Author Menu
THOMAS MANN Born Jun. 6, 1875 in Lübeck Died Aug. 12, 1955 His brother, Heinrich, was also a writer First Story, “Little Mr. Friedemann,” was published in 1898 Received Award: Nobel Prize for Literature Popular Works Buddenbrooks The Magic Mountain Death in Venice He taught at Princeton University while living in USA during WWII Return to Author Menu
KARL MARX Born May 5, 1818 Died Mar. 14, 1883 Was a Philosopher Developed theory of Marxism Wrote a novel, “Scorpion and Felix” Writing was enjoyable Wrote: Communist Manifesto Capital: Critique of Political Economy Published as a series in a London Newspaper that is written in German Return to Author Menu
FRIEDRICH SCHILLER Born Nov. 10, 1759 Died May 9, 1805 Friend of Johann Goethe Considered one of the most influential writers in Germany Wrote plays, poetry, and history Popular Works The Robbers Intrigue and Love Don Carlos Wilhelm Tell The Revolt of the Netherlands Ode to Joy Beethoven later composed music to match the lyrics Return to Author Menu
REVIEW QUESTION Click on the correct answer! Which of the following authors wrote Fairy Tales that are also common in English? Grimm Brothers Martin Luther Günter Grass
GRIMM BROTHERS Correct! The Grimm Brothers collected several stories from Germans all over Germany and wrote them down as linguistic research. They became very popular all of Europe, and the rest of the world. Common tales that we know today are: CinderellaRapunzel RumpelstiltskinSnow White Red Riding Hood Hänsel and Gretel The Princess and the Pea Continue
MARTIN LUTHER While Martin Luther translated the Bible into a common language, which at the time was German, and allowed it to be translated into English, the Bible is not considered a collection of Fairy Tales. Go Back and Try Again. Return to Review Question
GÜNTER GRASS While the titles of Grass’ stories may sound like Fairy Tales, and you may have even have read or listened to them as a child, they actually are not Fairy Tales. Go Back and Try Again Return to Review Question
You have completed this lesson on German Writers. This is a picture of the “Statue of Modern Book Printing” in Berlin. It is a Tribute to Johann Gutenberg, inventor of moveable typeset printing press. This statue is one of several on the “Walk of Ideas” in Berlin. Please Click On The Picture To Return To Main Screen For The Next Student. CONGRATULATIONS!