By: Abdulraheem Abu Issa
Eyeglasses are lenses that are worn on the eyes to improve eyesight. Eyeglasses also help you read and see from far away.
The problem the people faced was that their eyesight was terrible and they couldn’t see or read properly. There was nothing that cant fix that problem until the eyeglasses were invented.
Italian Salvino D’Armate of Florence is credited with inventing the first pair of wearable eyeglasses in Salvino D'Armate was born in He had occupations including inventing and engineering. He died in 1312 at the age of 54 years old.
Salvino D’Armate first was using a magnifying glass and thought it would be cool if he actually had a magnifying glass tied onto your head so he tried that and it worked so he made one magnifying glass on each eye and it actually worked so now the frames are more stylish and colorful.
Eyeglasses are a combination of a lens that depends on your eye sight level. Each person has different eyes, so some might not be able to bend images and pictures as good as others. Lenses help bend those pictures back in place in order to let you see better again. Glasses won’t improve your eyesight, but there is an operation called Lasic that would make your eyesight perfect.
The eyeglasses solve the problem because the problem was that people can’t see clearly or can’t read properly because of bad eyesight. Salvino D’Armate came along and solved the problem by creating eyeglasses which was a good solution. When you choose the correct lens that can fix your eyesight your eye will see better, but it won’t improve.
Before the eyeglasses were invented the people had nothing to do about it. They would probably get used to it because their eyes are used to working hard to figure out what happened. Also, there weren’t as many electronics so their eye sight wouldn’t go down by a lot.
It improved eyesight and helped people see clearly and not struggle when it comes to reading or when you have to see from far away. Also, bad eye sight can cause some people to have headaches, which can really annoy someone.
The frames are more stylish. It is more stable to the head. You can choose your exact lens degree.
People now are trying to find out a way to make eyeglasses able to be like a microscope. It led to this because people wanted to see from far away and to make that even more interesting. Another problem is that people are wearing eyeglasses as a fashion style, which is making their eyes get used to wearing the glasses, and starts to change their eye sight level as well.
1284The earliest statutes of the Italian crystal workers is written "Capitulare de Crisstellaris” 1300A term for eyeglasses is used for the first time 1319Regulations are developed to protect the glass making trade, requiring standards for materials and craftsmanship 1475 The first illustration of spectacles in a printed work 1535 The Nuremberg, Germany spectacles maker’s guild is formed Circa London optician Edward Scarlett (Sr.) is credited with developing side arms for spectacles (he is the first to advertise them) Circa 1760Benjamin Franklin conceives of the idea of the split lens bifocal
1783Addison Smith is awarded the first spectacles patent for double spectacles which rotated down 1797 Dudley Adams patents a device with adjustable drop-down lenses for the variation in interpupillary distance. 1806John McAllister, Sr. makes round Franklin bifocals for President Thomas Jefferson who designed them 1825George Airy corrects his own astigmatism with a pair of sphero- cylindrical lenses 1827John Issac Hawkins devises and patents the trifocal in London 1833American Optical has its earliest beginnings when William Beecher makes coin silver spectacles in Southbridge, Ma. 1883American Optical produces the first ophthalmic lenses in the United States 1887Swiss ophthalmologist Dr.Adolph Eugen Fick conceives molded corneal contact lenses 1887German artificial eye maker Frederick Muller fits a thin glass contact scleral shell to a patient who was missing a lower lid 1888August Morck Jr. patents a bifocal cemented on the outside of the original lens 1894The first formal school for refracting is organized in Bost
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