Carl G. Jung’s Encounter with Classical Indian Mysticism
Carl Gustav Jung Born July 26, 1875 in Kesswil, Switzerland Departed June 6, 1961 Küsnacht. Swiss psychologist and psychiatrist who founded analytic psychology.
“... if you go to other races, to India or China, for example, you discover that these people are conscious of things for which the psychoanalyst in our countries has to dig for months.” “... if you go to other races, to India or China, for example, you discover that these people are conscious of things for which the psychoanalyst in our countries has to dig for months.”
“We Europeans are not the only people on the earth. We are just a peninsula of Asia, and on that continent there are old civilizations where people have trained their minds in introspective psychology for thousands of years, whereas we began with our psychology not even yesterday but only this morning. These people have an insight that is simply fabulous...” Jung, C. G.; Analytical Psychology, Its Theory & Practice; Vintage Books, 1970, page 48 Ibid, pg.74
A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupāda Born Sept. 1, 1896, Calcutta, India Departed Nov. 14, 1977, Vrindāvan, Uttar Pradesh. Indian religious leader and author who in 1965 founded the International Society for Krishna Consciousness, commonly known as the Hare Krishna movement
Socrates Plato Aristotle St. Thomas Aquinas Descartes Leibnitz John Locke Darwin Henri Bergson Sartre Freud Howard Wheeler: That ends our session on Jung. Srila Prabhupada: So far, he seems the most sensible!
Tavistock Lectures You Tube Interview
Encyclopedia Britannica Jung was the son of a philologist and pastor. His childhood was lonely, although enriched by a vivid imagination, and from an early age he observed the behaviour of his parents and teachers, which he tried to resolve. Especially concerned with his father’s failing belief in religion, he tried to communicate to him his own experience of God. In many ways, the elder Jung was a kind and tolerant man, but neither he nor his son succeeded in understanding each other.
Jung seemed destined to become a minister, for there were a number of clergymen on both sides of his family. In his teens he discovered philosophy and read widely, and this, together with the disappointments of his boyhood, led him to forsake the strong family tradition and to study medicine and become a psychiatrist. Goethe Nietszche Kant
He was a student at the universities of Basel (1895–1900) and Zürich (M.D., 1902). He was fortunate in joining the staff of the Burghölzli Asylum of the University of Zürich at a time (1900) when it was under the direction of Eugen Bleuler, whose psychological interests had initiated what are now considered classical studies of mental illness.
At Burghölzli, Jung began, with outstanding success, to apply association tests initiated by earlier researchers. He studied, especially, patients’ peculiar and illogical responses to stimulus words and found that they were caused by emotionally charged clusters of associations withheld from consciousness because of their disagreeable, immoral (to them), and frequently sexual content. He used the now famous term complex to describe such conditions. CAT WATER WOMEN MONEY CAR SKY MY FATHER FILTH KRSNA LIAR SUNSHINE
Rorschach Test
These researches, which established him as a psychiatrist of international repute, led him to understand Freud’s investigations; His findings confirmed many of Freud’s ideas, and, for a period of five years (between 1907 and 1912), he was Freud’s close collaborator. He held important positions in the psychoanalytic movement and was widely thought of as the most likely successor to the founder of psychoanalysis. But this was not to be the outcome of their relationship. Partly for temperamental reasons and partly because of differences of viewpoint, the collaboration ended.
His first achievement was to differentiate two classes of people: extraverted and introverted. Later he differentiated four functions of the mind—thinking, feeling, sensation, and intuition— one or more of which predominate in any given person. Jung’s wide scholarship was well manifested here, as it also had been in The Psychology of the Unconscious.
As a boy Jung had remarkably striking dreams and powerful fantasies that had developed with unusual intensity. After his break with Freud, he deliberately allowed this aspect of himself to function again and gave the irrational side of his nature free expression. At the same time, he studied it scientifically by keeping detailed notes of his strange experiences.
He later developed the theory that these experiences came from an area of the mind that he called the collective unconscious, which he held was shared by everyone. This much-contested conception was combined with a theory of archetypes that Jung held as fundamental to the study of the psychology of religion. In Jung’s terms, archetypes are instinctive patterns, have a universal character, and are expressed in behaviour and images.
Travels North Africa America: Pueblo Indians Kenya Uganda India Ravenna and Rome
Visions 1944 High up in space. Approximately 1,000 miles. Ceylon, India, Arabia, Mediterranean. A black Hindu in a lotus posture. Everything sloughed away. Extremely painful. I am this bundle of what I have known and done. In the Temple I will meet all the people to whom I belong. Karmic stream. Dr. H.
His advice to a patient suffering from alcoholism led to the formation of Alcoholics Anonymous, which has helped millions of people suffering from alcohol dependence. His impact on the New Age Movement has been predominant.
Contrasting with the Bhagavata Contrasting with the Bhagavata
The Srimad Bhagavatam. A Rapid Sanskrit Method George L. Harte, University of California Motilal Banarsidass, Dehli, 1989 Preface “It [sanskrita]is, like Chinese, Arabic, Greek and Latin, one of the few languages which has been a carrier of a culture over a long period of time. Thus, the variety of writings in it, and the quantity of those writings are staggering. An incomplete list of subjects treated in Sanskrit, usually with great prolixity, is as follows: The four Vedas The Brahmanas and Aranyakas The Upanisads Grammar Epic, puranic, literature - Including 18 major puranas, 18 minor puranas, and hundred of sthalapuranas.
Works on Medicine Logic Astronomy & Astrology Mathematics Lawbooks Architecture Music… On most of these subjects, there is an immense literature still extant. Indeed, a rough estimate of the works which will be listed in The New Catalogus Catalogorum yields a total of about 160,000 works… many so difficult that it would take years of study to properly understand them. …Sanskrit does have its share of great writers: Kalidasa ranks with the greatest poets, Panini is without question the greatest pre- modern grammarian, the Mahabharata ranks with the Iliad and the Odyssey, and the Bhagavata-purana is among the finest works of devotion every written, being equaled in my opinion only by other works in Indian languages.”
Atma (Jiva-Param) Psychological World o Ahankara o Buddhi o Manas Sensuous World
Karma Jnana Dhyana Bhakti Virata-rupa
Learning from the Patient: The East, synchronicity and transference in the history of an unknown case C. G. Jung Journal of Analytical Psychology (2014, 59, ) Vicente de Moura University of Monterrey – Mexico Center for Family Mental Health Care – Buenos Aires Humberto Maturana – Santiago, Chile