Continuing Education Units Prepared by Patricia A. Carr
2 Discussion Points What are CEU’s Awarding CEU’s IACET Actions References
3 WHAT ARE CEU’s The Continuing Education Unit (CEU) is a nationally recognized method quantifying the time spent in the classroom during professional development and training activities The Purpose of issuing CEU’s is to provide a permanent record of training and continuing education for individuals who need to submit proof of their continuing education to state licensing boards, employers, etc.
4 AWARDING CEU’s One (1) CEU is equal to ten (10) contact hours of participation (excludes breaks, lunches, etc) in an organized continuing education experience under responsible sponsorship, capable direction, and qualified instruction. Ex: 12 hour class = 1.2 CEU’s This is also equivalent to.1 CEU = 1 PDH unit (1 CUE=10 PDH) Any organization that offers professional development education and training programs may potentially award CEU’s. Adoption and use of the CEU is entirely voluntary and does not require the approval of another agency. CEU’s are awarded only for professional development and training and are not related to academic credit.
5 IACET The International Association for Continuing Education and Training (IACET) is a non-profit association dedicated to quality continuing education and training programs. IACET authorizes education providers that meet strict continuing education guidelines created in IACET certification is the standard learners seek for quality. IACET's Criteria and Guidelines are the core of thousands of educational programs world. IACET grew out of a National Task Force on continuing education commissioned by the Bureau of Education (now the Department of Education) in The task force included the leaders in continuing education, such as the American Medical Association and American Nursing Association. The Task Force determined the universal guidelines for continuing education and created the Continuing Education Unit (CEU).
6 ACET authorizes educational providers to award the IACET Continuing Education Unit (CEU). IACET Authorized Providers undergo a strict evaluation of their educational processes according to the IACET Criteria and Guidelines, including two reviews by IACET's Commission and a site visit by an IACET Commissioner. IACET Authorized Provider Status Means the Organization: Demonstrates compliance with proven, research-based criteria created in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Education Is dedicated to high standards for quality in continuing education and training Awards the IACET CEU, the hallmark for quality in continuing education and training IACET
7 Next Steps? AIAA CEU’s - Should we record them? Push the importance of CEU’s - enhance the whole training Expand the CEU to other “training” programs like conference (use of scanning card) IACET Membership? Or simply mention we voluntarily comply with the IACET’s definitions and standards
8 References American Society of Civil Engineers American Society of Training and Development American Public Works Association International Association for Continuing Education and Training
9 The World’s Forum for Aerospace Leadership