IST524 Instructional Technology Class Activity Group 1: Brittany, Brian, Xiaofei, Kirstin
What is Technology - Wiki According to Wilipedia, technology, is the making,modification, usage, and knowledge of tools, machines, techniques, crafts, systems, methods of organization used in order to solve a problem, improve a prexisting solution, achieve a goal,or perform a specific function.
What is Technology -Gentry 1. "Technology, in its concrete, empirical meaning, refers fundamentally to systems of rationalized control over large groups of men, events, and machines by small groups of technically skilled men operating through an organized hierarchy" (McDermott, 1981, p. 142). 2. Paul Saettler, a well-known historian of instructional technology, states, "The word technology (the Latin form is 'texere,' to weave or construct) does not necessarily imply the use of machines, as many seem to think, but refers to 'any practical art using scientific knowledge.' This practical art is termed by the French sociologist Jacques Ellul, as 'technique.' He believes that 'it is the machine which is now entirely dependent upon technique, and the machine represents only a small part of technique. Not only is the machine the result of a certain technique, but also its instructional applications are made possible by technique. Consequently, the relation of behavioral science to instructional technology, parallels that of the physical sciences to engi- neering technology, or the biological sciences to medical technology' " (Saettler, 1968, pp. 5-6).
What is Techology - Gentry 3. The renowned educational technologist, James Finn, defined technology by saying, "In addition to machinery, technology includes processes, systems, management and control mechanisms both human and non-human, and... a way of looking at the problems as to their interest and difficulty, the feasibility of technical solutions, and the economic values-broadly considered-of those solutions" (Finn, 1960, p. 10). 4. In contrasting science and technology, Admiral Hyman Rickover, the father of the nuclear submarine and a self-proclaimed critic of education, stressed, as reported by Knezevich and Eye, "that science should not be confused with technology. Science dwells on 'discovering true facts and relationships of observable phenomena in nature, and with established theories that serve to organize masses of verified data concerning those facts and relationships.' In contrast, he declared, 'technology cannot claim the authority of science,' for technology deals with 'tools, techniques, procedures: the artifacts and processes fashioned by modern industrial man to increase his powers of mind and body.'
Meaning of the Term "Technology" As Used in the Field of Instructional Technology Early Definition: Instructional Technology viewed As Media 1910s to 1920s a.Focus on instructional media-"The visual instruction movement".Educational films.Pictures.Lantern slides b.Visual Instruction-"Seeing experience".Excursion
Meaning of the Term "Technology" As used in the field of Instructional Technology.Flat pictures.Models.Exhibits.Charts..Maps.Stereographs.Stereopticon slides.Motion pictures
Meaning of the Term "Technology" As used in the field of Instructional Technology c.1920s to 1940s-Audiovisual instruction.sound broadcasting.motion pictures with sound.Instructional media d.Today.Design.Production.Use of instructional media
Evolution of the Definition of Instructional Technology Early 1900s- Instructional technology viewed as media visual materials (films, pictures, and lantern slides) Mid 1960s & 1970s- Instructional technology viewed as a process television, films, projectors, computers, hardware & softwar Late 1900s- Instructional technology as the theory and practice of design, development, utilization, management, and evaluation of processes and resources for learning (Seels & Richey, 1994). greatly influenced by microcomputer, interactive video, CD- ROM and the internet no longer process oriented (research is involved) Early 2000s- Instructional technology that focuses on systematic processes and the use of technological resources (Acet Definition and Terminology Committee, 2008, p. 12) focus on the creation and facilitation of technological learning
- Association of Educational Communications and Technology A professional association of thousands of educators and others whose activities are directed toward improving instruction through technology
AECT members may be found in colleges and universities Armed forces and industry Museums, libraries and hospitals And several places where an educational change is underway
Design and Development Distance Learning Graduate Student Assembly International Multimedia Production Research and Theory School Media and Technology Teacher Education Training and Performance Systematic Change Main Focus Areas
AECT International Convention International Student Media Festival AECT Fall Convention Conferences
AECT Publications 1. Educational Technology Research and Development 2. TechTrends - Linking Research and Practice to Improve Learning 3. Instructional Science 4. The Journal of Applied Instructional Design Handbook of Research for Educational Communications and Technology 5. Educational Media and Technology Yearbook