PA 321 TIME, BILLING AND RECORDS MANAGEMENT Unit 2 Seminar Software as a Tool in Cost Tracking
What problems are you having with AbacusLaw, if any? Any other problems with the course so far?
What are some of the cost tracking features of AbacusLaw?
AbacusLaw Billing: time and costs Lets you bill hourly, flat, etc. Breaks down costs: – Hard costs – Soft costs Now that you’ve used it, what do you like about it? What do you dislike about it?
What are some of the cost tracking features of Timeslips?
The Time Sheet Slip Entry method enables timekeepers to track their time for a given week using a familiar spreadsheet format. Timekeepers can use the Time Sheet Slip Entry dialog box to review slip totals or to enter time directly in a cell to create new slips. The detailed slip entry dialog box can be opened from the Time Sheet Slip Entry screen for additional editing.
The Intuitive Bill Design Tool displays a full bill on screen that can be easily customized by dragging and dropping the required fields onto the bill. With one-click access, changes to the bill can be reviewed. Timeslips supports the creation of a unique format for each client that is billed.
The report wizard assists in the selection and generation of Timeslips reports.
What are some of the cost tracking features of Billing Matters? ( LexisNexis product, combined with TimeMatters): Centralized billing and payables process manager Customize pre-bill layouts to show exactly the data you need to review and approve invoices Can integrate with Windows Automatically will invoices
Billing Matters continued ………………… Easily generates a multitude of standard billing and accounting reports using various filters and sorts, including a client ledger report; a billing history report; and productivity and profitability reports. Simplifies trust account management with features like matter-to-matter fund transfer and negative trust balance compliance. Use the receipt allocation reports to display receipts by originating and billable staff.
Any questions so far?
Litigation support software (CaseMap, SmartDraw) Used during trial to display documentary evidence, graphic presentations, and simulations of accident cases
CaseMap (discussion board query this week) Has anyone used this type of software in their office? Portions of documents can be displayed as the witness testifies and identifies the document for everyone in the courtroom to see at the same time, without passing paper copies to everyone. Lawyers can now rapidly search depositions and documents, sometimes in the tens of thousands of pages, on their laptop computer to find pertinent material for examination or cross-examination of witness.
Always have a backup plan or a Plan B – the litigation team must always be prepared for these situations and be able to effectively respond to them so that the matter at issue may proceed as scheduled. What would be some effective back up plans?
Electronic courtrooms Has anyone been in one? urt/E- Courtroom/Index.asp (link is on our Webliography)
Video cameras are activated by sound. Microphones can detect the slightest whisper. Flat screen monitors simplify evidence presentation. Two-way video conferences allow court appearances from other locations around the country. Touch-screen technology allows witnesses and attorneys to highlight exhibits on any screen image.
Jurors can view exhibits via flat screen monitors or a projection screen in the E- Courtrooms.
Next Week: Unit 3 E-discovery Ethical issues related to e-discovery In preparation for our seminar, review: Zubulake v UBS Warburg LLC, 229 F.R.D. 422 (S.D.N.Y. 2004) In re Seroquel Prods. Liab. Litig., 2007 WL (M.D.Fla. Jan 26, 2007) Key Equipment Finance v. AmeriCap Credit, No. H (April 9, 2005) Use LexisNexis to locate these cases Come prepared to discuss the facts, issues and holdings of the cases. Be ready to address how these cases impact e- discovery and what these cases mean for paralegals in law offices