The Turk First chess playing machine, made in 1770.
Computing Machines Begin to appear in 1940's
Claude Shannon Father of Information Theory & Computer Chess
Position Evaluation Chess position is evaluated to assign a value Value = 2.1
Minimax Algorithm Values propagate up to give better estimate
Type A Strategy Examine all variations to a fixed depth
Type B Strategy Examine selected variations to variable depth
First Program Written in 1957, 7 years after Shannon's paper
Alpha Beta Pruning Doubles how deep computers can look ahead
First Milestone Computer defeats 1500 rated player in 1967
The Bet Levy bet a computer could not beat him in 10 years
Levy Wins In 1978 Levy wins the bet
Fredkin Prize $100,000 to beat the world chess champion
Personal Chess Computer Annual sales of $100 million
Garry Kasparov Became world chess champion in 1985
Deep Thought First chip designed to play only chess
Deep Blue IBM takes interest in computer chess
2010 PC chess programs defeat world champion
Future Humans will always enjoy chess
Arimaa Playable with a chess set, but different rules
Bobby Fischer Proposed random initial setup for chess
Aamir Arimaa is aamir backwards with a leading A
Arimaa is Difficult High branching factor, no opening books, few captures
Arimaa Challenge $10,000 to beat top human players before 2020
Arimaa and AI Will require a breakthrough in AI before 2020
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