Twenty-Six Malignant Gates The mother tells her seven−year−old daughter not to ride her bicycle around the corner. When the daughter wants to know why, the mother says the daughter will fall and the mother will not see or hear her. When the daughter asks how her mother knows this will happen, her mother replies that it is written in The Twenty−Six Malignant Gates, as are all the bad things that can happen to children who are away from their mothers. The daughter wants to see the book, but the mother says it is written in Chinese and she will not understand it. The daughter asks what the 26 bad things are in the book, but her mother does not answer; she sits and knits. The daughter repeats the question, and still her mother does not answer. The daughter decides her mother doesn’t know what they are and, further, doesn’t know anything at all. She jumps on her bike, pedals furiously toward the corner, and falls before she gets there.
What’s it Mean? The young woman who brought the swan and all her good intentions to America now has the daughter she dreamed of. Her Chinese approach to motherhood insists upon obedience; however, this trait does not come easily to her American−born daughter. The mother wants to protect her daughter from harm, but the daughter takes risks finding things out for herself. The mother is quiet and calm, a typical Chinese woman; her daughter is loud and active, a typical American child. The mother wants her daughter to trust her; she says, “You must listen to me.” The daughter, though, wants to make up her own mind; she tells her mother, “You don’t know anything!” In her rebellion she discovers just the opposite. All four stories in this section share this underlying conflict of the daughters’ desire for independence in conflict with the mothers’ guidance.
Rules of the Game New Characters: Waverly Jong: Lindo’s only daughter and youngest child; narrator Vincent and Winston Jong: Lindo’s older brothers Lao Po: an old man in the park who helps Waverly learn chess
The adult Waverly looking back on her childhood tells this story. Summary The adult Waverly looking back on her childhood tells this story. *Waverly starts asking her brother too many questions and, Vincent hands her the manual and tells her to read the rules for herself. *Her mother encourages this, saying that immigrants are often not told all the rules so that they don’t get ahead of the local people. * Waverly begins to play chess in the playground at the end of the alley with an old man named Lao Po. * By the time she is nine, Waverly has become a national chess champion. * One day Lindo expresses pride in her daughter and it embarrasses Waverly and she runs away. * After a couple of hours, realizing she has nowhere else to go, she comes home. The family is having dinner, and Lindo has little to say. Waverly walks into her room, lies down, and tries to figure out what to do next.
Rules of the game What’s It Mean? Immigrants must learn the rules of their adopted country for themselves Learning to play chess Lindo’s relationship With Waverly The theme of this story, “strongest wind cannot be seen” or “the greatest power lies in the unexpected,” also works on multiple levels. In the opening paragraphs Waverly says this way of thinking helped her win arguments, respect, and chess games. “I discovered that for the whole game one must gather invisible strengths and see the end game before the game begins.”
* Learning the rules of chess takes up much of the plot of this story, but learning to get along with her mother will occupy the rest of the novel. *Waverly learns to keep her strategy a secret. “A little knowledge withheld is a great advantage one should store for future use.” *At her first chess tournament Waverly keeps her secrets so well that her opponent never sees defeat coming. *Waverly’s failure to “bite back [her] tongue,” issuing her challenge to Lindo even though she “knew it was a mistake to say anything more,” has disastrous consequences. Lindo cannot tolerate such disrespect as a mother and especially as a Chinese mother dealing with a daughter. She switches from “protective ally” to opponent.
*Waverly is about to learn that her mother does indeed know how to play chess, how to be the “strongest wind.” *Tan underscores the analogy of Waverly and Lindo’s relationship to a chess game subtly. Vincent explains that there are 16 chess pieces per player. When Waverly returns home after running away, she says, “I climbed the 16 steps to the door. . ..” The apartment is a metaphorical chess board for the battle between mom and daughter
The Voice from the Wall New Characters: Lena St. Clair: Ying−ying’s daughter, 10 years old at the time of this story Clifford St. Clair: Ying−ying’s husband, Lena’s father Teresa Sorci and Mrs. Sorci: neighbors in the St. Clairs’ apartment building. Teresa is about 12 years old. Her bedroom is next to Lena’s
Summary The adult Lena narrates this story. *As a child she wondered about “the death of a thousand cuts,” in which a condemned man is sliced away little by little until he dies. *Her great−grandfather had once ordered someone to die in this manner, and the ghost of the executed man returned and killed him. “Either that,” she says, “or he died of influenza a week later.” *Lena imagines her great−grandfather’s last moments. The ghost appears, saying he thought the worst that could happen to him was this torturous execution. “But I was wrong,” he says. “The worst is on the other side,” meaning the other side of life—death. *In her daydream the ghost then drags her great−grandfather from this world through the wall to the other side.
When Lena was five, she fell down the basement stairs *When Lena was five, she fell down the basement stairs. Ying−ying told her to stay out of the basement because an evil man who had lived there thousands of years would impregnate her and eat her family. After that Lena saw danger everywhere with her “Chinese eyes,” she says, “the part of me I got from my mother.” *Communication in the family is poor. Ying−ying warns Lena about dangers all around her, but Lena knows Ying−ying makes things up when challenged. Ying−ying’s English is poor and St. Clair’s Chinese worse, so communication between the parents is tenuous. *Sometimes her father makes up what he thinks Ying−ying says. Lena also makes things up to her advantage when translating for either parent.
*When Lena is 10, the family moves to North Beach, an Italian neighborhood of San Francisco. Lena adjusts easily to the noise and smells, but Ying−ying has trouble. The house is on a hill so steep that Ying−ying says a person’s life is always rolling backward. She tries to restore balance by rearranging the furniture several times. Her father dismissively claims, “Your mother is just practicing her nesting instincts.”
*A few days later, a new baby crib in Lena’s room suggests he may be right. Lena notices other, ominous signs, though, and she worries. Lena hears her neighbors, the Sorcis, shouting at night. Then she hears what sounds like someone being killed with the death of a thousand cuts. The next night she hears it again. She meets the girl she believes to be the victim one day and is surprised that she looks so happy. Lena feels guilty for knowing the truth about her. *One day Suyuan and Canning Woo pick up Lena at school and take her to the hospital to visit her mother. Ying−ying’s baby was born with a severe birth defect and is dead.
Ying−ying is incoherent, and St *Ying−ying is incoherent, and St. Clair asks Lena to translate; but her words seem like insanity to Lena, so she makes up a translation. *She lies in her bed and cries, happy to have misjudged them. *That experience brings Lena hope. Her mother is still depressed, but Lena believes it will pass. She envisions a mother being sentenced to the death of a thousand cuts and being told, “It is the only way to save you.” The sword goes up and down, but no harm is done. The mother understands that she has already been through the worst possible. Then the daughter reaches out and pulls her mother back through the wall.
Ying−ying enters a deep depression, unable to function. St *Ying−ying enters a deep depression, unable to function. St. Clair tries to convince Lena and himself she is just tired, but Lena is frightened. *When she hears the Sorcis fighting at night, she is comforted by thinking that someone else’s life is worse than hers. *One evening, however, the doorbell rings and the girl next door, Teresa, walks through the apartment to Lena’s bedroom and climbs out the window. Her mother has kicked her out in one of their arguments. Teresa wants to climb back into her bedroom via the fire escape. *When Lena asks if Mrs. Sorci will be angry, Teresa casually says that they fight like this “all the time.” Later that night Lena hears Teresa and her mother shouting at each other, but this time she also hears the love between them.
What’s It Mean? The Voice from the Wall The second voices Lena herself near the end of the story tries to bring her mother back from the other side of her depression. Hers is a voice of hope. The ghost returning from “the other side” for Lena’s great−grandfather. His voice threatens doom. The second voices belong to Teresa Sorci and her mother. They demonstrate love
Half and Half Rose, the narrator, describes a “white leatherette Bible” her mother uses to prop up one leg of a crooked table. After spending more than 20 years on the floor, it is still “clean white.” As she looks at it, Rose wonders how she will tell An−mei that she and Ted are getting a divorce. She knows her mother will insist that she try to save her marriage. At the beginning of Rose and Ted’s relationship, both mothers object to their dating because of the difference in race. Their parents’ opposition draws them closer together, and they are married just before Ted begins medical school.
Rose and Ted have an unusual relationship: He makes all the decisions because she wants him to. Ted becomes dissatisfied with this and asks for a divorce. The story flashes back to the day when 14-year-old Rose goes to the beach with her family. When her father decides to go fishing and her sisters race down the beach, Rose watches her four brothers. The three older boys play together, but Bing, age 4, wanders down the beach. Rose warns him to stay away from the water. Later Bing walks out on the reef where his father is fishing. As Rose watches, he falls into the water and is never seen again. They search and pray for him.
The story returns to the present The story returns to the present. Rose never expected to find Bing that day, and she does not expect to save her marriage. Her mother insists that she must try and leaves Rose alone to think about why. Rose says she had known Bing was in danger and did nothing; she also knew her marriage was in danger and did nothing. In a moment of insight, she realizes that faith balances the loss caused by fate. She thinks that An−mei still pays attention to the loss of Bing. To confirm her suspicions, she takes the Bible out from under the table leg and opens it to find what An−mei wrote in it before she used it to prop up the table leg: Bing’s name appears in pencil on the page marked “Deaths.”
Yin and yang: The title, a reference to the idea of two halves balancing to make a whole. Rose and Ted’s relationship is an example of yin and yang gone awry. (Rose is entirely yin, always the victim. Ted is all yang, always the rescuer.) Unhealthy though their relationship is, it works until Ted loses the malpractice suit and becomes the one in need. Rose, unaware of how hard he has taken the loss, does not help him. The balance destroyed, their marriage falls apart.
When An−mei returns with Rose to the site of Bing’s drowning, she has complete confidence one of her three plans will work. First she uses her Christian faith, holding the white Bible and praying to God. When Bing does not appear, she turns to her Chinese tradition. Explaining that an ancestor had once stolen sacred water, she throws tea into the sea to “sweeten the temper of the Coiling Dragon.” She also throws in a blue sapphire ring, possibly her most valuable possession, a gift from her mother. When he still does not reappear, An−mei falls back on her nengkan, the powerful self−confidence that has served her family so well in the past. She is convinced her own efforts will succeed where Christian faith and Chinese tradition have failed: the inner tube attached to her husband’s fishing pole will go where Bing is and bring him back. But when the fishing line snaps, she no longer has the “illusion that somehow [she’s] in control.” She and Rose can only watch powerlessly and hopefully as the inner tube is smashed against the cove wall until it is destroyed.
Two Kinds New Character: Old Chong: Jing−mei’s deaf piano teacher
Summary This story is narrated by the adult Jing−mei looking back on her childhood piano lessons. When Jing−mei is nine, Suyuan wants her to be a prodigy like Lindo’s daughter and Shirley Temple. Jing−mei at first agrees, but after repeatedly failing to find her special talent, she quits trying. A few months later Suyuan notices a young Chinese girl playing piano on The Ed Sullivan Show. Three days afterward she announces that she has made arrangements for Jing−mei to take piano lessons from Mr. Chong. Jing−mei quickly discovers he can’t tell when she is making mistakes because he is deaf. As long as she maintains the right tempo, “Old Chong” thinks she is doing well.
The adult Jing−mei interrupts here to observe, “Maybe I never really gave myself a chance. I did pick up the basics pretty quickly, and I might have become a good pianist at that young age. But I was…determined not to try.” After about a year of half−hearted effort, Jing−mei enters a talent competition. Instead of memorizing the music in preparation, however, she practices her fancy curtsy. The night of the recital, in front of an audience that includes all the Joy Luck Club aunties and uncles, Jing−mei plays very badly. She gets the fancy curtsy right, but the audience is silent, except for Old Chong, who shouts, “Bravo! Bravo! Well done!” Jing−mei sees Suyuan’s “stricken face” in the audience and tries not to cry as she sits down, ashamed.
She thinks her piano lessons are behind her, but the next afternoon, Suyuan reminds her it’s time to practice. When she refuses, they argue. Jing−mei shouts that she wishes she weren’t Suyuan’s daughter. She wishes she were dead, like Suyuan’s two daughters in China. Suyuan, stunned, leaves the room. The piano lessons are over. The adult Jing−mei comments that she disappointed her mother again and again in later years when she insisted on the right to be less than her best. She finds her old recital piece in the piano bench and begins to play it. Then she notices the piece on the page opposite, “Perfectly Contented.” After she plays through both pieces, she realizes they are “two halves of the same song.”
What’s It Mean? Hope was the basis for founding the original Joy Luck Club in Kweilin. At the end of “The Joy Luck Club,” Jing−mei observes that the aunties “see daughters who will bear grandchildren born without any connecting hope passed from generation to generation.” Hope is both theme and motif in this story. The opening paragraphs remind the reader of how much Suyuan lost in China, emphasizing her dreams for a new life in America. These ambitions extend to Jing−mei as well, connecting mother and daughter.
Suyuan’s declaration to Jing−mei, “You can be best anything,” reveals her appreciation of the opportunities available in America. Jing−mei shares her mother’s enthusiasm at first, believing that her prodigy side, symbolized by her Peter Pan haircut, will be perfect. As she fails test after test, however, she says, “I hated . . .the raised hopes and failed expectations.” Frustrated, she quits trying, and eventually so does her mother. Jing−mei says, “At last she was beginning to give up hope.” The young Chinese piano player on The Ed Sullivan Show, however, changed that.
The argument about continuing piano lessons lasts until Jing−mei mentions Suyuan’s lost twins. The reader will recall from “The Joy Luck Club” that Suyuan never stopped hoping to see her daughters again. Jing−mei’s childish anger creates an image greater than Suyuan can bear: “her face went blank, her mouth closed, her arms went slack, and she backed out of the room, stunned, as if she were blowing away like a small brown leaf, thin, brittle, lifeless.” Ironically, Jing−mei wonders later why her mother had given up hope, as the piano sits in the living room, its lid shut against “dust, my misery, and her dreams.” She never connects the hopes for one daughter with the hope of seeing the other two.
Jing−mei’s observation that “Pleading Child” and “Perfectly Contented” are “two halves of the same song” returns the reader to the motif of yin and yang that runs throughout the novel. “Pleading Child” was the “simple, moody” piece from the recital, which now looks “more difficult than I remembered.” “Perfectly Contented” is lighter, longer, faster, and just as easy. The titles suggest Jing−mei’s attitude as a child and as an adult. Not until later in the novel will she realize where her refusal to strive for the best has led her.