Task Based Reading 任务型阅读综合训练
A story about a Great king
Lord of war wars victories conquestsinvasionsempireenemies
Task 1 Complete the story with the proper words!
1500 years ago a king in India 1 Kaid, who had built a huge empire, was sick at heart. He called his minister, Sassa, to him and said : “Day and night I think about my past 2, I dream of conquests and invasions, I can’t sleep for thinking about imaginary wars and victories. But I have no more 3, and it is a sin to make war without 4. What can I do to regain my peace of mind?” The minister thought of a game which he had learnt from a Greek soldier. He taught the 5 to the king, who found the game so 6, such a perfect substitute for war, that he was a happy man again. He asked Sassa : named battles enemiescause rules engrossing
“How can I 7 you? Gold? Jewels? Perhaps you want to marry one of my daughters? Choose anything you like.” But Sassa said : “Take a grain of rice and place it on the first square of the board. Put two grains on the second square. Keep going, 8 he number of grains each time, until you have covered all the 64 squares on the board.” At first they ___9___at Sassa for his modesty and simplicity. But then they 10 that the rice would exceed all the wealth in the known world. reward doubling laughed discovered
Can you guess what the cure of king Kaid’s disease is?
Ancient time
Modern timeAdults
People all over the world
Cartoon films
Task 2:Match the titles with their corresponding material A mirror of history Heal or harm A mystery An extreme sport ABCDABCD
Let’s have a try!
Task 3 Answer the question According to “The mystery”
Nobody knows its ultimate place and date of birth. “Chess is a lake in which a mosquito can bathe and an elephant can drown.” We don’t know the number of possible games even today. Most people may started playing chess for fun. Later,they realize the technical complexity. Finally, they see the game’s amazing beauty. It’s a unique combination of war game, sport, science and art. A mystery? Why?
Task 4:Make out the structure of “A mirror of the history”
chess has borrowed from the cultures The West plays with--- The East plays with--- Players reflecting the spirit of their times Anatoly Karpov Garry Kasparov defensive risky Spirit of the time
Task 5:Guess the meaning of the underlined words in “An extreme sport” according to the context!
The French artist Marcel Duchamps took his obsession further. He took three years off from art to become a chess master--- He was prouder of his chess mastery than all his artistic achievement. nounA state of difficulties The state in which a person’s mind is completely filled with thoughts of one particular thing A confusing state
With all these kings, artists and writers playing chess, you might get the idea that chess is the Ultimate civilized pursuit. nounAmusement/a hobby
Task 6:Find the key sentence of “Heal or Harm” and make a reasonable judgment about chess.
It’s worth remembering that chess can heal as well as harm. What did chess do in Healy’s life?
Where there is chess there are winners and losers! Do you want to be a winner or loser when you come across different kinds of chess in your life? Chess is in our life!
任务型阅读题型 1.Clozing(without hints) 2.Matching 3.Question Answer 4.Form filling 5.Words guessing 6.Key word/Key sentence finding conclusion
Tips for Task Reading 1. While you are reading you’d better focus on the key word or key sentence and get the main idea of the reading material or the purpose of writing the article. 2.Make sure you are clear about the structure of the reading material and think about the relation between the parts 3. Find the detailed information according to the tasks. 4.Don’t focus on the new words try to guess their meaning according to the context. conclusion