Award-winning chess-as- education program for 5 to 9 year olds
International Research studies: Zaire 1974: Dr. Albert Frank “…learning chess strengthened both numerical and verbal aptitudes ”. Venezuela 1989: Wechsler Intelligence Scale “… significant increase in most students’ IQ scores after only 4.5 months of systematically studying chess”. Canada 1992: Prof. Gadreau “...average problem sol ving score of pupils increased from 62% to 81%.”
Research in USA: Robert Ferguson Gr. 7 – Gr. 9 (1979 – 1983) Spending 60 –64 hours playing and studying chess over 32 weeks “ Test scores improved 17.3% for students regularly engaged in chess classes, compared with only 4.6% for children participating in other forms of “enrichment activities”. “…significant increase in both memory and verbal reasoning skills”.
MiniChess-program wins SA’s Top Education Award in 2012 Developed over 20+ years inside SA schools Marisa van der Merwe; B.Sc degree & chess background: FIDE-Trainer & Arbiter. Effective Early Childhood learning-through-play. Impacts Mathematics, Science and Life skills performance, and much more. Supported by Garry Kasparov, CHESSA & many Chess Federations, FIDE & SA DoE.
MiniChess Research in SA: Shows significant benefits in Early Childhood (Parsons 2011 & DoE ANA-testing 2012): Improves Spatial awareness, as pre-learning for mathematics & reading. Improves School-readiness – correcting early fall-outs in critical development-areas Improves logic thinking skills & reasoning. Improves understanding & working with numbers. Improves perceptual development - as base for later learning Improves focus and concentration… positively impacting discipline in-class. Improves Life skills – problem solving, perseverance, risk analysis, creativity, planning skills and emotional intelligence.
SA Research studies:
South Africa ANA results 2012
SA Research study: Primary school Dr. Monare PS 2012 – Compare with ANA results GRADE 1GRADE 2
Dr. Monare PS 2012 ANA interpretation GRADE 3 All Grades
Dr. Monare PS 2012 ANA interpretation GRADE 4GRADE 5
South African Study at High School level (longer term impact) Kemm & Cloete (2009) Chess players show much- improved general academic performance Chess improves social development and interaction within pear group Chess builds leadership skills
Kemm & Cloete study at SA sample High School: Year Distinctions No of chess-players Table 1- Number of exam distinctions (80%+) achieved by the number of “chess-player scholars” writing their final school- leaving exam (Gr.12)
Kemm & Cloete study at the sample School: Year Honours Colours No of chess players School honours colours were awarded for exceptional achievement in: academics, sport, cultural activities and leadership. Table 2 - Number of school’s “honours colours” gained by number of chess-player scholars indicated
Chess-as-Education program For Grade R to Grade 3+ Teacher Involvement Learner activities Partnerships Effective Teacher Training, 4 levels Structured curriculum with Lesson plans in Teacher Manuals - for effective age-specific teaching and proven educational benefits. Comprehensive teaching support & materials Accreditation Project books (4 levels) with accreditation. Impacts Maths, Science, Technology and Life skills Practical learning-through-play Games, Quizzes, teamwork & e-learning Federation membership & Scholar’s exams Endorsed by Garry Kasparov & KCF-A University studies in SA: UP, UJ and NWU. School Bodies: SA & international. FIDE & International Sport Federations. NGO’s, PBO’s and Community Sponsors, & patrons.