Life Management Self Awareness
What is your self-image? Your self-image is the way you see yourself. How do you see yourself? Your self-image is made up of the “inner” you and the “outer” you.
Inner and Outer Self Your “inner” self sees life from one point of view-yours. That is your personal perspective. Your “outer” self is how others see you. Your appearance creates an image you show others. – Looks, Posture, Grooming, Gestures, Behavior – If you show a positive image, others will react positively. What happens when you act negative?
What affects your self-image? Experiences – All the events of your life – How you perceive what happened or happens to you will affect how you see yourself Environment affects your self-image – Everything & everyone around you
Decisions about your self-image You decide how much your environment affects your self-image You build your self-image through taking responsibility for your actions, decisions, attitude and behavior. Having a sense of what you do well and trying to improve areas where you are weak, can improve your self-image
Self-Esteem Self-esteem is your feeling of self-worth. It is tied to your self-image. – How you treat others – How you treat yourself – How people treat you
Self-Esteem Criticism- negative comments or statements about another person. – This can be an insult, a rude comment or a bad name. – “You aren’t very good at chess.” Constructive Criticism- suggestions that help you develop in positive ways – People are trying to help you but they need to tell you what you need to change first. – “You aren’t very good at chess, but I can teach you some new moves.”
Learning about Yourself Self-consciousness- how you feel about yourself when people tease you, bully you or criticize you. Self-understanding- having insight about who you are. This comes with age and maturity… Self-confidence- is your faith in your abilities and skills. Try your best and realize that no one is perfect!
Personal Talents & Abilities Interpersonal- You are very social, get along with everyone and have many friends. Intrapersonal- You really know yourself and who you are. You have close friends, but not a lot. Manual- You like to work with your hands, take things apart and put them back together. Mathematical- You love anything with math and numbers. This is your favorite subject.
Personal Talents & Abilities Artistic- You like to draw, color and paint. You enjoy working with fabric, wood or food. Athletic- If you are good at sports and really enjoy working out, running and staying fit. Dramatic or Musical- You enjoy playing music, acting in school plays, dancing or performance. Naturalistic- You like earth science, enjoy spending time in the natural environment.