Review Questions
1. Minimalism is A) little makes lots B) lots make little C) small ensemble D) electronic
2. Process music maker A) Glen Ford B) Steve Reich C) Iannis Xenakis D) Don Rickles
3. Procedural music is A) fast B) algorithmic C) slow D) microphonic
4. Crossover is related to A) L-systems B) recombinance C) markov chains D) genetic algorithms
5. Axons are part of A) markov chains B) recombinance C) the brain’s wiring D) stochastics
6. Neural networks have A) markov chains B) allusions C) signatures D) Hidden units
7. Gradus refers to A) Gradus ad Parnassum B) composer’s block C) markov chains D) data driven programming
8. agents involve A) object-oriented programming B) dies irae C) 2-D automata D) markov chains
9. association networks are A) small B) markov chain related C) universally connected D) gradus centered
10. World Anthem created by A) data B) rules C) stochastics D) agents
11. Alice is a A) computer program B) recombinant C) composer’s tool D) all of the above
12. Déjà vu is related to A) association B) analysis C) adaption D) all of the above
13. Rules-based programming is A) data driven B) uses agents C) acquires knowledge D) chooses based on rules
14. From Darkness, Light is by A) David Cope B) Alice C) Emily Howell D) Alena
15. Emmy is based on A) recominance B) rules C) stochastics D) markov chains
16. Alice is good for A) extending music algorithmically B) creating new styles C) acquiring knowledge D) developing intuition
17. Allusions are A) references B) pointers C) vague plagiarisms D) all of the above
18. signatures are A) composer’s blocks B) gradus based C) reflect consciousness D) composer cliches
19. Gradus learns A) harmony B) counterpoint C) melody D) none of the above
20. dendrites are part of A) markov chains B) allusions C) conscioiuness D) the human brain
21. Dies Irae is A) a harmonic depression B) a harmonic progression C) an allusion to death D) a signature
22. Neural networks A) adapt B) learn C) model D) all of the above
23. Synapses are A) spaces between axons/dendrites B) transmitters C) receptors D) markov nodes
24. sequences A) repeat B) repeat at different pitch levels C) develop D) all of the aboe
25. Wolfram A) wrote NKS B) worked with CA C) developed WolframAlpha D) all of the above
26. Emily Howell uses A) cannot learn B) carrot stick approach C) develops ideas D) uses only German
27. Emily’s network has A) half as many weights as nodes B) twice as many weights as nodes C) few weights D) none of the above
28. Land of Stone by A) Cope B) Alice C) Emily D) Alena
29. Backtracking means to A) track backwards B) remember and try again C) reverse and try again D) all of the above
30. ANN means A) Association network nodes B) artificial neural network C) a necessary neuron D) a nother nothing
31. a feed forward neural network A) called a perceptron B) uses backpropagation C) gets it right first time D) does not need training
32. Emmy involves A) association B) backtracking C) nodal networks D) voice-leading
33. voice leading is A) how voices lead to one another B) how chords move C) how melodies work D) all of the above
34. destination pitches give us A) correct voice leading B) better harmonic progressions C) stronger melodies D) none of the above
35. Emmy first used A) chopin mazurkas B) bach chorales C) rachmaninoff symphonies D) beethoven
36. a function is a A) programming action B) variable C) constant D) none of the above
37. emotions are a A) part of intelligence B) not a part of intelligence C) a part of programming D) always accurate
38. learning involves A) memory B) association C) mistakes D) all of the above
39. Predicting is an important part of A) learning B) intelligence C) memory D) all of the above
40. complex adaptive systems involve A) completely random events B) events too complex to predict C) follow markov orders D) involve l-Systems
41. Emergence involves A) complex interactions of environments B) unpredictable behavior C) predictable behavior D) all of the above
42. Agents have A) built-in data and functions B) only external influence C) variables D) conflcts
43. Example of emergence A) weather B) markov chains C) Stochastics D) non-linear math
44. Boids is an example of A) stochastics B) probabilities C) chess D) emergence
45. MGC is good for A) turning numbers into sound B) turning numbers into.mid files C) turning numbers into images D) turning numbers into more numbers
46. Prime numbers are a good example of A) pi B) geometry C) algebra D) descrete mathematics
47.Mozart composed A) concertos B) musikalishes wurfelspiele C) symphonies D) all of the above
48. tossing dice produces A) twelve outcomes B) two outcomes C) one outcome D) eleven outcomes
49. chess is a game of A) probability B) stochastics C) markov D) skill
50. recursion is a form of A) a process references itself B) a process ends abruptly C) a process repeats itself D) a process reduces itself
SPEAC means A) statement, preparation, extension, antecedent, consequent B) stableness, preparation, extension, antecedent, consequent C) statement, preparation, extension, antecedent, consecutive D) statement, prenatal, extension, antecedent, consequent
52. “I saw the saw saw” exemplifies A) different meanings B) different consequences C) different spellings D) none of the above
53. the number of Cope’s principles for creativity A) 9 B) 7 C) 12 D) 5
54. Cope says that machine creativity depends upon A) machines can create B) quality not related to who or what created it C) the only limit of what machines can do is what humans can do D) all of the above
55. Richard Feynman says A) Circles are round B) Physics and math are the same thing C) QED does not exist D) science has been reduced to probabilities
56. music synthesis and composition are A) the same things B) not the same things C) sometimes the same things D) all of the above
57. creativity is a A) process B) product C) implementation D) act of derision
58. creativity relies on A) rules B) freedom C) intelligence D) emotions
59. Chess can be creative A) always B) never C) maybe D) sometimes
60. Stravinsky said: A) good composers borrow, great composers steal B) good composers steal, great composers borrow C) good composers define, great composers steal D) good composers steal, great composers plagiarize
61. Pocasso said A) Stravinsky borrowed that from me B) Stravinsky stole that from me C) Stravinsky plagiarized that from me D) Stravinsky divined that from me
62. Alice uses A) markov chains B) probabilities C) musical set theory D) all of the above
63. Fuzzy logic ranks outcomes according to A) trueness or falseness B) wrongness or rightness C) correctness or incorrectness D) all of the above
64. non-linear means A) not incremental B) non-continuous C) not in a line D) all of the above
65. Emmy depends on A) accuracy of its database B) who uses the program C) which composer is chosen to replicate the style of D) none of the above
66. Emmy has created A) dozens of works B) hundreds of works C) thousands of works D) millions of works
67. The program Sorcerer A) finds harmonic function B) finds allusions C) finds form D) finds musical structure
68. the best way to find signatures and allusions is by using A) pitches B) rhythms C) intervals D) timbres
69. typically MIDI uses X channels A) 12 B) 16 C) 4 D) 32
70. film uses 24 frames per second to appear analog, music uses A) tens of thousands B) thousands C) millions D) dozens
71. determinism can create A) correct answers B) chaos C) fractions D) all of the above
72. Cope did what to Emmy? A) made a million bucks from it B) gave it away C) destroyed it D) mothballed it
73. Emmy composed more works than Cope could A) keep B) imagine C) destroy D) ever listen to
74. music composing programs A) lack context B) lack emotion C) lack correctness D) lack individuality
75. Sara stands for A) Simple algorithmic recombinance algorithm B) Simple algorithmic replicationalgorithm C) Simple analytical recombinance algorithm D) Simple algorithmic recombinant algorithm
76. chess is a A) game B) art C) mental exercise D) all of the above
77. George Lewis is a A) programmer B) composer C) professor D) all of the above
78. Aaron was created by A) Harold Cohen B) George Lewis C) Chris Dobrian D) David Cope
79. Alena is a good example of A) recombinance B) Probabilities C) AI D) A-Life
80. Cellular automata have A) 2 or 3 dimensions B) 2 dimensions C) 3 dimensions D) all of the above
81. Conway’s Game of Life has A) 1 dimensions B) 2 dimensions C) 3 dimensions D) all of the above
82. pitch is which entry in a cope-event A) first B) last C) second D) third
83. RAM stands for A) real action memorandum B) read again memory C) random access memory D) random action memory
84. binary math uses only A) 1s and 2s B) 0s and 1s C) 1 through ten D) 0 through 9
85. Charles Babbage designed the A) first computer program B) first computer C) first software for composing D) first transistor for computers
86. Boden distinguishes between A) P-creativity and H-creativiy B) creativity and non-creativity C) composing and art D) books and papers
87. Ray Kurzweil created the A) Cybernetic Machine B) Cybernetic Chess Master C) Cybernetic Composer D) Cybernetic Poet
88. Pure Data is a A) composing program B) writing program C) analysis program D) none of the above
89. Max is a A) visual composing program B) visual authoring program C) visual visual program D) environment for design
90. Wagner X’d is famous Tristan chord A) borrowed it B) originated it C) defined it D) criticized it
91. HAL’s name comes from A) IBM B) CBS C) CNN D) NBC
92. Computers rely on A) chaos B) emergence C) objects D) binary math
93. Uncertainty principle due to A) Newton B) Einstein C) Turing D) Heisenberg
94. Stravinsky wrote the A) Rite of Spring B) Afternoon of the Faun C) Fifth String Quartet D) Symphonie Fantastique
95. Stochastics were used by A) Tom Johnson B) Iannis Xenakis C) Chris Dobrian D) Bob Dunning
96. ELIZA is A) word substitution software B) a computer psychiatrist C) one of the first well-known programs D) all of the above
97. Spires was created by A) Wolfy Mozart B) Tom Johnson C) Iannis Xenakis D) David Cope
98. C,D,E,F,G,A,B,C is a A) group of intervals B) minor scale C) major scale D) octatonic scale
99. sound color is called A) pitch B) rhythm C) timbre D) loudness
100. ANNs sometimes take X times to learn A) tens B) hundreds C) thousands D) millions