1 KANG TAE-HO, JUNG IN-HWAN, Computer Graphics 3D Chess Presentation Team Name : Muzone OH SANG-HOON, HONG SANG-SEOCK,
2 List Contents Introduction Models and their Demo –Background –Chess piece models King Queen Bishop Rook Knight Pawn Future Works
3 Introduction Chess components NameSymbolAbbreviationNo. KingK1 QueenQ1 RookR2 BishopB2 KnightK2 PawnP8
4 Introduction Goals –3D chess game –We focus on representing an animation of chess- piece models Chess rules are not implemented in it –Model animation is created by 3DS Max tool
5 Models and their demo Background Modeling
6 Models and their demo Chess Board PerspectiveTop
7 Models and their demo Viewpoint Change –Spherical Coordinate System –Radius : page up/ down key –Theta : left, right key –Phi : up, down key
8 Model animation 6 Models –King, Queen, Bishop, Rook, Knight, and Pawn –All models are modified individually based on original shape of chess pieces –Each model has 4 motion patterns Standing, Moving, Fighting, and Dead
9 Chess pieces Modeling & Animation King –Have nobility –A upper class FightingDeadMoving
10 Chess pieces Modeling & Animation Queen –Have nobility –A upper class FightingDeadMoving
11 Chess pieces Modeling & Animation Bishop –Human-like model –A intermediate class FightingDeadMoving
12 Chess pieces Modeling & Animation Rook –Human-like model –A intermediate class Fighting MovingDead
13 Knight –Not human-like model –A lower class Chess pieces Modeling & Animation FightingDeadStandingMoving
14 Chess pieces Modeling & Animation Pawn –Not human-like model –A lower class StandingMovingFightingDead
15 Program Implementation Total War Local War
16 Future Works Using Animation Key frame Method Huge computation time and memory are needed It can be solved by using mesh simplification and ASE file type which can store both animation and mesh information
17 The E.N.D. E.N.D.