Staff Dr. Antonio Castro – Principal –Facilitates weekly Chess-Challenge Mrs. Laura Young - GATE facilitator - Liaison between the District and Los Cerritos Mrs. Gina Mandell - GATE advisor - Facilitates all on-site activities at Los Cerritos Mitchell Klein - GATE student representative - Student liaison at Los Cerritos for the students TBD - Parent representative - Attends district meetings
Knowledge Master Knowledge Master Open The Contest- Teams in the Knowledge Master Open receive curriculum-based contest questions (200 at secondary levels; 100 at 6th grade levels) on a CD-ROM and compete using a computer at their own schools. The event is held twice each year for both secondary and 5th & 6th grade teams. Competes with middle schools across the U.S. 6 th Competition - March 23, th & 8 th Competition - April 20, students per team LCMS team practice weekly (on site)
Physics/Science Focus CLU Professional Development School Two physics professors –Offering optional problem-based questions and activities related to Science Students will have the to opportunity participate in “egg” activities - During lunch
Art Focus Professional artist – LCMS site Preview artist’s work Discuss how to become artist LCMS Art Dept. - Supplementary art lessons -During lunch
Parent Q & A Forum Questions – Activities Thoughts – Ideas and Input Parent Volunteers Suggestions - activities
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