Odor Tracking with an Electronic Nose Creating a robot that smells good! By Simon Saugier Ninh Dang Greg Allbee Jason Hamor
Problem Background E-nose came about from trying to mimic the sense of smell in robots or machines. E-nose beneficial because –Not fatigued –More sensitive Research now is focused on putting an E-nose on a mobile robot
Problem Statement Develop signal-processing procedures to reconstruct the changes in concentration of odor mixtures through the response of a gas sensor array.
Design Objective Create three modules –E-nose module –Diffusion module –Robot Simulator Replace E-nose module with provided dilution system to test with real sensor responses.
Design Model
Survey of Literature, Market, and Existing Solutions Many researches about odor tracking robot Spiral Surge Localization algorithm Conducting polymer-based odor sensor Odor-guided locomotion – Dr.Mark Willis
Originality and Creativity Interface requirements –LabVIEW TM –Other modules –Dilution system (E-nose) Client needs –Odor dispersion –Odor source detection
Constraints and Feasibility Constraints –Language –Time table –Ignorance Feasability –Low cost –Time? –Sensor response
Alternative Solutions Webots robot simulation language from Cyberbotics Java and Visual Basic languages Adding win sensor Coding just one model instead of two
Design Validation Module validation –Accuracy & performance? Compatibility –Interface with other modules? System testing –Complete the project goal?
Economic Analysis Little or no costs –Possible cost: $220 for robot simulator Whole project implemented in software Software and dilution system provided
Societal, Safety, and Environmental Analysis Many benefits –Locate harmful gases or leaks –Test air quality and monitor emissions –Help in space exploration Few risks –Slow response in dealing with harmful odors –Robot malfunction
Management, Scheduling, and Teamwork Four jobs –Head Manager – Simon Saugier –Time Coordinator – Ninh Dang –Documentation Coordinator – Greg Allbee –Head Programmer – Jason Hamor
Gantt Chart
PERT Chart