1. Review of reproductive biology 2. Pollination Ecology On the Function of Flowers -precise placement -outcrossing -pollination syndromes -life cycle -variation in flowers
1. Review of reproductive biology 2. Pollination Ecology On the Function of Flowers -precise placement -outcrossing -pollination syndromes -life cycle -variation in flowers
Three paths for pollen flow: selfing: 1. Within flower 2. Between flowers 3. outcrossing (between plants)
Red Maple Flowers staminate pistillate
Foxgloves and outcrossing
Female zone Male zone Bees fly up Then start over at the bottom Three components to outcrossing in foxglove 1. Young flowers are male, old are female 2. Young flowers are nearer the top 3. Bees fly up.
Primroses: Outcrossing with Heterostyly
1. Review of reproductive biology 2. Pollination Ecology On the Function of Flowers -precise placement -outcrossing -pollination syndromes -life cycle -variation in flowers
-pollination syndromes Hummingbird -- -long tube -red color -abundant nectar - no odor - no landing
-pollination syndromes Sphinx Moth -- -long tube -white color -abundant nectar - exquisite odor (periodic) - landing
evening primrose (Oenothera, Onagraceae)
Angraecum (Orchidaceae)
Angraecum sesquipedale © Esko Puupponen Xanthopan
-pollination syndromes Beetle -- two variants, nuptial chamber and painted bowl See Bernhardt 2000 to fix this slide and the next two.
The beetle pollination syndrome - nuptial-chamber variant Many stamens often with appendages Chamber to accommodate several animals Night-flowering Without markings Scent attractant for beetles
-pollination syndromes Carrion insect -- -contrasting light and dark pattern -brown-purple color -no nectar - foul odor
Carrion- insect flowers Wild ginger Jack in the pulpit wakerobin
Stapelia - African carrion-insect dispersed flower
-pollination syndromes Wind-- -no perianth -no nectar -imperfect flowers -abundant pollen -big stigmas
Grasses – family Poaceae (Gramineae)
Sparganium - wind- pollinated aquatic
-pollination syndromes Flowers that mimic insects -mate mimics -aggressive mimics
Ophrys pollination
1. Review of reproductive biology 2. Pollination Ecology On the Function of Flowers -precise placement -outcrossing -pollination syndromes -life cycle -variation in flowers