Who is The UK & Ireland distributor of innovative solutions for the municipal and industrial wastewater treatment industry a division of Process Measurement & Analysis Ltd. Collectively, over 35 years experience in wastewater treatment solutions. All technologies offered are patented. We sell solutions that make your plant: More efficient More productive Less costly to operate April 15, 2017
What does our bio-solids solution address? Sludge handling expenses Polymer costs Separation costs Hauling costs Landfill tipping fees Utility expenses Plant odor Plant capacity Compliance Public acceptance April 15, 2017
The product we are offering is Sewper RX A patented mixture of minerals, nutrients and organic materials Developed in 2000 and awarded a patent in 2005 April 15, 2017
April 15, 2017
Sewper RX When mixed with wastewater Sewper RX rapidly and comprehensively degrades and eliminates organic matter April 15, 2017
What Makes Up Sewper RX The primary ingredients in this proprietary blend are: NITROGEN PHOSPHOROUS POTASSIUM IRON BORON MANGANESE ZINC MOLYBDENUM COPPER STARCH YEAST BACILLUS sp. Sewper RX can safely eliminate up to 100% of the organic matter it comes into contact with in a 24-hour period! April 15, 2017
Sewper RX It is a Green Technology – non-toxic and non-pathogenic April 15, 2017
April 15, 2017
Sewper RX It is been tested and used in hundreds of wastewater treatment facilities and other waste treatment applications. Here are some proof statements of Sewper RX successes - April 15, 2017
Problem: Rapid organics buildup (requiring frequent disposal) St. Tammany, LA 250,000 GPD Plant Problem: Rapid organics buildup (requiring frequent disposal) Volatile Suspended Solids Inoculation 8/16/2000 Milligrams/Liter 85% decline in VSS levels in one month Prior to inoculation – pumped sludge from the digester every 8 to 10 weeks Following initial inoculation – plant did not pump sludge from digester for 9 months! April 15, 2017
Problems: 1) Averaged 28 truckloads of sludge disposed of monthly Slidell, LA 1 Million GPD Plant Problems: 1) Averaged 28 truckloads of sludge disposed of monthly 2) Offensive odors present Monthly Truckloads Sludge Reduction Inoculation July 2002 31% 57% 61% 71% 77% = Historical Average Truckload = Monthly Truckloads Post-Inoculation Plant substantially reduced sludge levels; After inoculation, the number of truckloads of sludge hauled away each month was reduced by up to 77% ……. and Odor was eliminated Plant saved approximately $30,000 in hauling fees in a 5 month period April 15, 2017
East Meridian, MS WWTP – 1.3 Million GPD (SBR) Problems: 1) Sludge buildup 2) High electricity costs Sludge Reduction No sludge pressed for more than 14 months after inoculation Blowers now periodically turned off to reduce electricity expense VSS remained constant at 10,500 mg/l for 8 months without pressing any sludge April 15, 2017
Overall improvement in effluent quality: 91% 86 Package Plants – rural Baton Rouge, LA Problems: 1) High effluent quality failure rate 2) Excessive independent lab expenses BOD & TSS EXCURSIONS PRIOR TO TREATMENT IN MAY 2004 SINCE TREATMENT 23% of all Grab Samples 2% of all Grab Samples Overall improvement in effluent quality: 91% Independent Lab expense reduction: $125,000 April 15, 2017
Resolution: Problem: 95% reduction in odor Excessive Oder April 15, 2017
Proof Statements References that are happy to support our claims (A full list with contact addresses and numbers is available) Chief Administrative Officer Meridian, Mississippi President and Owner Ascension Wastewater Treatment, Inc. Oasis, LLC Professional Engineer Dept. of Health and Hospitals State of Louisiana, Office of Public Health Director Lafourche parish Sheriff’s Department April 15, 2017
Key Questions Answered Is Sewper Rx just another ‘Designer Bacteria’? No, although unique DNA chains of the Bacillus sp and yeast are what is patented, the specific blend of minerals, nutrients and organic materials combined to those organisms in the manufacturing process are what makes Sewper Rx the very aggressive bio-solids neutralizer that it is. Is there a ‘waste product’ of Sewper Rx? Yes, water and CO2. Is there a biomass residue left by Sewper RX? No, there is no slime or dead biomass buildup. Is Sewper Rx a solid or a liquid? It is a free flowing dry powder. How long will it last? From 1 to 2 months, with re-inoculation required at least every 60 days. Is there a Material Safety Data Sheet on Sewper Rx? Yes. April 15, 2017
More Questions Answered Is it dangerous to handle? No, and there are no special handling conditions. What is the typical dosage used? The dosage varies depending upon waste concentration/loading. Your Sewper RX representative can provide you with a system survey and dosage schedule. What is the application environment? Dissolved Oxygen .5 to 2 mg/l minimum pH 6 to 9 Temperature – 5 to 55 degrees C 40 to 130 degrees F Toxic metals – Trace to None How is Sewper Rx supplied? In 50 lb. plastic, sealed pales. Is there a shelf life? It is guaranteed for one year on the shelf. April 15, 2017
So, what does it cost me? But………. The standard dosing regime for Sewper Rx is: 1 lb. per 10,000 gallons of daily flow if treating the aeration basin (0.4kg/37M3). 1 lb. per 5,000 gallons of holding capacity if treating a digester (0.4kg/18.5M3). The price is £27 per pound delivered UK site: But………. April 15, 2017
We will supply a free trial or partial-cost- product to prove that Sewper Rx will do everything that we say – in your plant. You choose the plant, aeration basin, digester or dosing point of your choice. All that we ask is – We assist with the original inoculation. You work with our representative before and after inoculation to determine the best test application and desired results. Your laboratory keeps a record of the results of the test. April 15, 2017
QUESTIONS? April 15, 2017
Thank You CONTACT US AT: April 15, 2017