6.01U Selecting Food U SELECTING FOOD 1
6.01U Selecting Food2 Canned Food Look for undented, nonbulging, rustfree cans Check for sell-by or expiration dates
6.01U Selecting Food3 Boxed/Packaged Food Look for uncrushed, unopened containers Check for sell by or expiration dates 3
6.01U Selecting Food44 Fresh Food Eggs-look for uncracked, clean shells Check for sell-by dates Dairy-look for unopened containers Check for sell-by or use by dates
6.01U Selecting Food55 Frozen Food Look for loose content, no ice crystals on outside of container, and no torn packaging Check for sell by or expiration dates
6.01U Selecting Food6 6 Fruits Choose slightly firm, heavy fruits that are in season for best value Look for good color and no bruising Some fruits can be bought before being completely ripe-examples are avocadoes, bananas, mangoes, papayas, peaches, & pears
6.01U Selecting Food77 Vegetables Look for good color, nonwilted vegetables Buy in season for best value Buy medium sized, heavy vegetables Avoid sprouts on root vegetables
6.01U Selecting Food88 Meats and Poultry Look for unopened, non- leaky packaging (if it leaks, ask butcher for paper towels/bag) Look for sell by dates-for freshest, look for packages with later dates Bargain bin meats, check for good color and odor, use immediately or freeze
6.01U Selecting Food99 Meats and Poultry… cont’d Check for freshness and leanness Beef-cherry red, little fat Pork-pink to red, little fat Lamb and veal-pink, little fat Chicken and turkey-dark and white meat, little fat
6.01U Selecting Food10 Shellfish and seafood No odor, tightly closed bivalves, firm flesh on shrimp, crab, and lobster Fish-bulging eyes, firm skin, red gills no odor