Test 1 Lab Test ?s Lab format with follow up questions – Measure – Observations – PP, CP, PC, CC – Inquiry – Substances/mixtures Written Test 42 ?s MC (multiple choice) One free response All items from study guide
Matter What are the 3 states of matter? SOLID, LIQUID, GAS Animation
Elements Pure substance
Compounds Compound = a pure chemical substance of 2 or more different elements that can only be separated into simpler substances by chemical reactions Ex: H2O, CO2, Sugar, Salt
Mixtures Mixture = when 2 or more substances combine (physically) and both substance keep their individual properties Ex: – flour & sugar – Salt water – Salad
Types of Mixtures Heterogeneous Can be visibly and easily separated Particle size is bigger or can eventually separate/settle Homogeneous Cannot separate by looking at it Uniformly distributed Oftentimes solutions
HE or HO Vinegar Sand Air Sugar water Vinegar + oil Chex mix
Physical & Chemical Characteristics PHYSICALCHEMICAL Refers to physically related things Refers to what it is made up of (how the atoms are rearranged to make a new thing); reacts
Physical or Chemical Physical = it looks different BUT the atoms are still the same you could reverse it Chemical = may or may not look different BUT the atoms are rearranged differently you CAN’T reverse it * Unless you do another chemical reaction
Properties What is a property? Describes, talks about it’s ability to… Can be physical or chemical Has it CHANGED yet?.... NO Does it describe it/have ability to change?
Changes When it actually changes Physical: changes size, shape, state, color but its still the same thing – Remember the 4 S’s Chemical: changes what it completely is, chemical reactions, atoms are rearranged – Remember OCPGT + N
Examples of changes Tearing paper Burning paper Breaking wood Campfire Mixing kool aid Cooking a cake Physical change Chemical change
Property vs. Change Property = description or could change in the future Change = change 5 evidences of a chemical change PCOGT – “Pirates can obtain great treasures” – Precipitate (solid forms) – Color change – Odor(smell) – Gas forms – Temperature change – Evidence of a chemical change Evidence of a chemical change –
Property or Change? Boiling point 2 different liquids mix bubbles Food coloring in water Burning an egg It has a yellow color It produced a smell Property Change
PP Volume Density Freezes at 30 C Boiling point Can melt at room temperature Flexible Magnetic Bouncy Floats Solid, liquid, gas state of matter CP Flammable/non flammable Can rust Can tarnish Can burn Can react with water PC Breaking a stick Dissolving kool aid Food coloring in a liquid Cutting hair Bending metal Scrapping a crayon Melting chocolate Evaporated water CC Gas produced Light given off Odor produced Diet Coke + Mentos = Bubbles Baking Soda + Vinegar = colder Photosynthesis Respiration Rusting Leaves changing color
Which of the following is an example of a chemical property of water? – A. Boils at 100 C – B. Is transparent – C. Has no odor – D. Reacts with calcium Is it still water (H2O) Transparent = see through/clear No smell Reacts = chemical reaction
Which of the following is an example of a physical property of hydrogen? It A. Is less dense than air B. Reacts with oxygen C. Is highly flammable D. Forms hydrochloric acid PHYSICAL PROPERTY
Chemical Equations Can you identify: Reactant + reactant product + product product + product reactant + reactant
Practice 6 CO H 2 0 C 6 H 12 O O 2 carbon dioxide + water sugar + oxygen Circle the reactants: Box the products: What is this equation?
Practice Fe + O2 + H2O Rust 2Mg + O2 2MgO
Law of Conservation of Mass Total mass of reactants = Total mass of products 5g H20 + 5g O2 = _____ g 2H2O2 10g = 10g
Law of Conservation of Mass Same # of atoms on reactant side as the product side 2H 2 + O 2 2(H 2 O) H= ____H=____ O= ____O=____
Practice Mg + O 2 MgO Mg = ____Mg= ____O = _____ Oxygen Mg Oxygen
Inquiry IV DV Constants Control