Poetry Vocab #1
What do the words on the next slide mean? For each word, see if you can write… A definition An example What do we already know?
Denotation Connotation Imagery Simile Metaphor Theme Motif Diction Personification Symbol What do we already know?
A word’s literal, dictionary definition Ex: Odor = a smell Denotation
The feelings and ideas associated with a word Ex: Odor = a bad smell Other examples: What is the difference between: Mother Mom Mommy Connotation
Description that uses any of the five senses Ex: She bit into the strawberry and felt it explode in a sweet, tart gush Imagery
A comparison between two unlike things that uses “like” or “as” (or a synonym for them) Ex: “My love is like a red, red rose” (EBB) Ex: Her lips were as red as rubies Simile
A comparison between two unlike things that does not use “like” or “as” Ex: “It is the east, and Juliet is the sun” (RJ) Ex: Her hair cascaded down her back in a golden waterfall Metaphor
An idea or concept that is central to a work Generally, something the author wants readers to think about Ex: Fate, coming of age, betrayal, loyalty Theme
A repeated image or symbol in a work The bells in “The Bells” Examples from The Odyssey? Motif
The word choice of a work Example: Compare the following sentences He walked down the street He strolled along the boulevard Diction
To identify diction, remember LEAD Low/Informal simple, generally identified with lower classes or less educated people Elevated/formal fancy words, associated with upper classes or more educated people Abstract or concrete? abstract diction deals more with ideas, concrete deals more with imagery Denotation or connotation? what’s more significant, the literal meaning or the associations? Diction (continued)
Giving human characteristics to non-human objects Ex: The pencil danced across the paper Personification
An object used to represent an idea Ex: A bird in flight represents freedom The collected use of symbols in a work is called symbolism What common symbols can you think of? Symbol (Symbolism)