1 FORENSIC SCIENCE Toxicology. Today’s agenda: u Notes u Watching Poison Video- you fill out your organizer u Complete the lab u When you finish you can.


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Presentation transcript:


Today’s agenda: u Notes u Watching Poison Video- you fill out your organizer u Complete the lab u When you finish you can work on your project with your partner u Csae study for HW 2

3 POISONERS in HISTORY u Olympias—a famous Greek poisoner u Locusta—personal poisoner of Emperor Nero u Lucretia Borgia—father was Pope Alexander VI u Madame Giulia Toffana—committed over 600 successful poisonings, including two Popes. u Hieronyma Spara—formed a society to teach women how to murder their husbands u Madame de Brinvilliers and Catherine Deshayes—French poisoners. AND many others through modern times.

Things to consider about poison: u Chemical form (solid, liquid, crystal, etc.) u How enters body (shot versus swallowed) u Body weight and condition of victim u Age of victim (infants/elderly are more susceptible) u Time period of exposure 4

Symptoms of Various Types of Poisoning Type of Poison Symptom/Evidence Caustic Poison (lye)Characteristic burns around the lips and mouth of the victim Sulfuric acidBlack vomit Hydrochloric acidGreenish-brown vomit Nitric acidYellow vomit PhosphorousCoffee brown vomit. Onion or garlic odor CyanideBurnt almond odor Arsenic, MercuryPronounced diarrhea Methyl (wood) orNausea and vomiting, Isopropyl (rubbing) alcohol unconsciousness, possibly blindness

Things to know about Poisons u People can be exposed to toxic substances by: u intentionally- by treating illness or relieving pain u Accidentally- by harmful combinations or overdoses u Deliberately- by harming or killing others or by committing suicide u Acute- large dose of poison all at once u Chronic- small doses over a long period of time 6

Bacterial Toxins u Tetanus- lockjaw as it is sometimes called, is produced by the bacterium, Clostridum tetani. It’s poison can cause violent muscle spasms u Botulism- produced by the bacteria Clostridium botulinum, botulism paralyzes muscles. It causes irreversible damage to nerve endings. Very small amounts are extremely deadly. Botulism is the most poisonous biological substance. 7

Pesticides and Heavy Metals u Pesticides are mostly used to protect plants or food crops. u Heavy metal compounds can damage many organs in the body. Heavy metals are typically found in rat poisons, paint, etc. u Ex: of metals- arsenic, bismuth, antimony, mercury, thallium u Screening for these metals would be done by dissolving body fluids in HCl & insert a copper strip, a silvery coat on copper indicates heavy metal u Called the Reinsch test 8

Bioterrorism Agents u Ricin- poisonous protein in the castor bean. Is lethal in extremely small amounts. Can enter the body by being inhaled as a mist/powder or may be ingested as food/drink or injected. Ricin can cause death within a few hours u Anthrax- is caused by the bacteria Bacillus anthracis, which forms spores. Can be spread to humans from infected animals. Can enter the human body through: u Inhalation- causing breathing problems that usually result in death u Ingestion- becoming fatal in 25-60% of cases u Absorption in skin- leading to death in about 20% of untreated cases 9

Carbon Monoxide Poisoning u Can result in accidental death from heating systems, space heaters u Also a very common form of suicide by inhaling the auto fumes u Carbon monoxide, CO, combines with the hemoglobin in blood resulting in oxygen insufficiency resulting in death by asphyxiation u Signs of CO poisoning- red/pink patches on skin 10