1 MARINE BRIDGE AND NAVIGATION SYSTEMS Promyshlennaya str.19, St.Petersburg, Russia Diver Interdiction System Hydroacoustics, Inc. Diver Interdiction System 999 Lehigh Station Rd. Henrietta, NY 14667
2 Swimmers or divers using available technology pose a serious asymmetrical threat to maritime assets The ability to detect, classify, locate, and engage a hostile threat is required Current engagement options are limited and do not provide a scalable engagement capability Challenge: To Protect High Value Maritime Assets From Underwater Terrorist Threats
3 Summary report on the bio-effects of low frequency water borne sound by Edward Cudahy, Eric Hanson, and David Fothergill (20 March 1999) reports that pulsed continuous wave (CW) signals produce the following bio-effects: Acoustic Bio-Effects Background Non-lethal swimmer neutralization study Non-Lethal Swimmer Neutralization Study with Space and Naval Warfare Command (SPAWAR TD 3138, May 2002) Acoustic systems offer the best option to provide a scalable engagement capability Pressure (dB)Reported Bio-Effect (NSMRL) 100Sound detected 130Vibration detected on some part of the body 157Somewhat severe to severe aversion Physical damage to organs and soft tissues
4 Acoustic Properties of the DIS Operate Across The Range of Frequencies Causing Adverse Effects on Divers Effective DIS Operating Range
5 Notes1.This is the peak pressure measured at Dodge Pond for a 10 cu in air gun with 2,400 psi supply pressure 2.Assumes a 20*Log r spreading loss 3.Assumes a 20*Log n array gain and 20*Log r spreading loss Potential Bio-Effect Range From Air Guns Every Environment is Different # of 10 inch 3 Air Guns DischargedRange (yd/M)Peak Pressure (dB) Single60/55190 (Note 1) Single600/ (Note 2) Five (Simultaneous)600/ (Note 3) Five (Simultaneous)1200/ (Note 3) Ten (Simultaneous)600/ (Note 3) Ten (Simultaneous)1200/ (Note 3) Air gun arrays can be fired in sequence separated by msec or seconds, all at once or just particular guns Firing all guns at once is the equivalent of adding the inch 3 of all the guns together The firing of an air gun array in sequence provides a “longer punch” verses a “single punch”
6 Anti-Swimmer System Acoustic Impulse Testing March 2004 – USCG completed acoustic baseline tests at NUWC (Naval Undersea Warfare Center) Dodge Pond facility April 2004 – NFESC (Naval Facilities Engineering Service Center) processed raw acoustic data NSMRL (Navy Submarine Medical Research) prepared Human Effects test plan 2004 To 2008 – USCG & Laboratory NSMRL Tested IAS (integrated anti swimmer) Human Effects at NUWC Dodge Pond facility using the HAI DIS 2005 To 2007 – USCG & NUWC Conducted IAS Demonstration Tests at NUWC Pier One facility using the HAI DIS – Data fed into MSST (Maritime Safety & Security Team decision and testing)
7 Shallow water environment at the US Navy Dodge Pond testing facility is similar to that in ports and harbors where high value assets are exposed to terrorist swimmer threats Variable air gun and receiver depths allowed evaluation of the effects of multiple surface and bottom reflections HAI Characterization of Air Gun Performance in the Shallow Water NUWC Facility at Dodge Pond
8 1,000 psi 3,000 psi 5,000 psi Measured Far Field Sound Pressure Level Measured Energy Spectrum Level Scalable Output From 10 Cubic Inch Air Gun Peak Pressures From 218 to 229 dB re 1 1 m Sample Air Gun Pressure and Energy Spectrum at the Seneca Lake Naval Undersea Warfare Center Air Gun size10 cu. in. For 2,000 psi SCF/Shot0.73 cu. ft. Peak Pressure24 1m Maintenance~ 300,000 Shots Typical Life> 1,000,000 Shots Supply (psi) Peak (psi)Impulse (psi*msec)
9 Predicted Performance of 10 Cubic Inch Air Guns The predicted data shown are for selected air guns in a 4 by 5 array Of 10 cu. In. Air Guns operated with a system pressure of 3,000 psi. With precise control of the Air Gun discharge using the HAI air gun controller, the far field pressure from multiple air guns in an array will add coherently or as 20*Log (N-guns) This phenomenon has been demonstrated in Seneca Lake calibration tests Controlling the number of air guns discharged simultaneously provides control of the peak pressure and spectrum levels thereby allowing a scalable influence on swimmer threat The single pulse shown here can be repeated to generate a multiple pulse wave train with a pulse repetition rate as fast as one pulse per second. Pressure Level Measured Energy Spectrum Level
10 Compressed air/nitrogen is stored in cylinders rated at 4,500 psi in the Energy Storage Pack Air hose, electrical cable, and suspension rope form the Umbilical DIS Controller initiates the Air Gun discharge Components of the Portable DIS Energy Storage Pack Controller Umbilical Air Gun
11 DIS with eLoud tm option Enhanced Underwater Loudhailer eLoud tm is an underwater hailer that can be used as the phase one & two deterrent –Underwater audio technology for communicating with divers –Intelligibility proven through U.S. Navy testing –500W Class D Audio Amplifier with digital mute/enable control –Analog audio input with buffer electronics –Current monitor to verify audio transmission –Filter and compression software to maximize performance of audio recordings –Matching transformer for underwater speaker (transducer) –12V DC Power, 15A maximum –Preprogrammed with messages in multiple languages
12 RF Control Option secureMesh Networking: Creates a self configuring, self- healing secure wireless mesh network in a matter of seconds to enable seamless and secure voice, video, and data communications. Detects and reports rogue access points. Validated Security: Highly secure AES and 3DES encryption and FIPS Validation™ meets stringent Department of Defense wireless security requirements. Based on a Common Criteria Level EAL2+ certified design. Dual Radio: Features two-way radio configuration with a 2.4 GHz (802.11a/b/g) Wi-Fi radio and a 5.8 GHz (802.11a) radio. Rugged Design: Designed to meet MIL-STD 901D for shock and MIL-STD 167 for vibration. Packaged in a weather resistant enclosure that can be used in a variety of climates and conditions.
13 Typical CONOP’s Detect Intrusion (Diver Detection System) Classify as diver (Diver Detection System) Issue alarm and dispatch manned or unmanned vehicle with DIS aboard Issue Level 1 Hailer warning “trespassing turn back” (DIS w eLoud tm ) Issue Level 2 Hailer warning use of force (DIS w eLoud tm ) Issue Level 3 acoustic warning shot 500 PSI (DIS) Issue Level 4 Fire acoustic shots 3000 PSI until diver retreats or surfaces (DIS) Armed force picks up diver
14 DIS Deployment Options The air gun systems are modular and adaptable to a variety of operational and deployment scenarios and can be assembled in various sizes and configurations Diver Interdiction Systems can be; - Mobile - Fixed in place on a boat - Manned - Unmanned remote activation (RF secure signal) - Portable - Can be put in place and easily moved (Pier, boat) - Fixed - Permanent in water installation - Local firing - Remote Activation (RF secure signal)
15 Air Gun System Deployment Options Portable System From Patrol Boat Mobile System Deployed From Unmanned RHIB Platform Pier, Dock, Or Moored Platform DeploymentUnmanned Surface Vessel Secure RF Communications eLoud tm
16 The HAI Portable Air Gun System for non-lethal swimmer engagement can be deployed from a variety of small platforms currently in use in harbors and ports. Candidate Platform For Portable Air Gun System A single operator can deploy the system over the side of your vessel similarly to the deployment at right
17 Anti-Swimmer System Response Boat Components Response Vector Display eLoud tm (hailer device)HAI Diver Interdiction System Response Vector Display Imaging Sonar
18 HAI DIS Component Location On RHIB Gas Bottle Installation Control Panel Installation Air Gun Deployment Location
19 DIS Multi-Gun Firing Controller for Gun Arrays in a Permanent Installation
20 Modular and adaptable to a variety of operational and deployment scenarios and can be assembled in various sizes and configurations Mobile (in place) deployment from manned or unmanned patrol craft Portable allows moving from one boat or pier to another Fixed installations on dock, pier, bottom, or port terminal facility Carried on high value military or commercial maritime vessel Air gun arrays used with HAI DIS Multi-Gun Firing Controller provide additional flexibility in acoustic outputs providing scalable bio-effects Sustained waves with intervals as short as 2 msec between pulses in the wave train Additional air guns allow for higher source levels and/or greater area of coverage Air guns do not pollute the environment, and represent a reusable asset Low maintenance, high reliability and high availability Summary Features HAI Diver Interdiction System
21 DIS System Components
22 Controller
23 Controller
24 Energy Bottles
25 Umbilical Chord
26 Air Gun
27 Air Guns Available in 5 cubic inch size models