Here are 9 examples of what they have REALLY been up to… Targeting girls through advertisements in fashion magazines with high youth readership Camel No. 9 ads in Vogue, Glamour, Cosmopolitan Using music sponsorships to entice new smokers Camel’s “The Farm: Indie Rock Universe” in Rolling Stone Magazine Marketing candy-flavored cigarettes in novelty packaging Kauai Kolada, Twista Lime, and Beach Breezer Appealing to youth by infiltrating the underground art scene Online art contest to design the new Camel Signature Blends packaging Withholding $431 million worth of MSA payments For the 3 rd year in a row, RJR has deposited a significant portion of its payment into a “disputed payments” account Openly opposing legislation that would allow for FDA regulation of tobacco products Claims the FDA already has “too much on its plate” Fighting in opposition to increase cigarette excise taxes Argues that convenience stores depend on cigarette sales for survival Opposing clean indoor air laws Denying that everyone has the right to breathe smoke-free air Increasing marketing of Camel’s smokeless tobacco products In the wake of new smoking bans in several states Camel Snus comes in Original, Frost, and Spice Loathsome & Lethal Here are 9 examples of what they have REALLY been up to… Targeting girls through advertisements in fashion magazines with high youth readership Camel No. 9 ads in Vogue, Glamour, Cosmopolitan Using music sponsorships to entice new smokers Camel’s “The Farm: Indie Rock Universe” in Rolling Stone Magazine Marketing candy-flavored cigarettes in novelty packaging Kauai Kolada, Twista Lime, and Beach Breezer Appealing to youth by infiltrating the underground art scene Online art contest to design the new Camel Signature Blends packaging Withholding $431 million worth of MSA payments For the 3 rd year in a row, RJR has deposited a significant portion of its payment into a “disputed payments” account Openly opposing legislation that would allow for FDA regulation of tobacco products Claims the FDA already has “too much on its plate” Fighting in opposition to increase cigarette excise taxes Argues that convenience stores depend on cigarette sales for survival Opposing clean indoor air laws Denying that everyone has the right to breathe smoke-free air Increasing marketing of Camel’s smokeless tobacco products In the wake of new smoking bans in several states Camel Snus comes in Original, Frost, and Spice Loathsome & Lethal Here are 9 examples of what they have REALLY been up to… Targeting girls through advertisements in fashion magazines with high youth readership Camel No. 9 ads in Vogue, Glamour, Cosmopolitan Using music sponsorships to entice new smokers Camel’s “The Farm: Indie Rock Universe” in Rolling Stone Magazine Marketing candy-flavored cigarettes in novelty packaging Kauai Kolada, Twista Lime, and Beach Breezer Appealing to youth by infiltrating the underground art scene Online art contest to design the new Camel Signature Blends packaging Withholding $431 million worth of MSA payments For the 3 rd year in a row, RJR has deposited a significant portion of its payment into a “disputed payments” account Openly opposing legislation that would allow for FDA regulation of tobacco products Claims the FDA already has “too much on its plate” Fighting in opposition to increase cigarette excise taxes Argues that convenience stores depend on cigarette sales for survival Opposing clean indoor air laws Denying that everyone has the right to breathe smoke-free air Increasing marketing of Camel’s smokeless tobacco products In the wake of new smoking bans in several states Camel Snus comes in Original, Frost, and Spice Loathsome & Lethal Here are 9 examples of what they have REALLY been up to… Targeting girls through advertisements in fashion magazines with high youth readership Camel No. 9 ads in Vogue, Glamour, Cosmopolitan Using music sponsorships to entice new smokers Camel’s “The Farm: Indie Rock Universe” in Rolling Stone Magazine Marketing candy-flavored cigarettes in novelty packaging Kauai Kolada, Twista Lime, and Beach Breezer Appealing to youth by infiltrating the underground art scene Online art contest to design the new Camel Signature Blends packaging Withholding $431 million worth of MSA payments For the 3 rd year in a row, RJR has deposited a significant portion of its payment into a “disputed payments” account Openly opposing legislation that would allow for FDA regulation of tobacco products Claims the FDA already has “too much on its plate” Fighting in opposition to increase cigarette excise taxes Argues that convenience stores depend on cigarette sales for survival Opposing clean indoor air laws Denying that everyone has the right to breathe smoke-free air Increasing marketing of Camel’s smokeless tobacco products In the wake of new smoking bans in several states Camel Snus comes in Original, Frost, and Spice Loathsome & Lethal